Zimbabwe Free ministry Training – AIDAH SIBANDA


Zimbabwe Free Ministry Training

Sign up for now for your Zimbabwe free ministry training. Read this story and find out how AIDAH SIBANDA found this training.

Greetings to you in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ. My name is Aidah Sibanda. I am married to a loving , God-fearing and supportive husband. I am a mother of three children. I reside in Zimbabwe, which happens to have the majority of citizens being Christians. Zimbabwe is more of a Christian country due to the strong Christian values enforced by my President. For that reason, one is free to preach Christ anywhere in my country.

I came to know the Lord for as long as I can remember. Born in a Catholic family, I was taught the Catholic doctrine through Catechism. I managed to grasp the basics of what it means to have Jesus Christ dying on the cross for me, through the Catechism lessons. At the age of fourteen, I was exposed to the Pentecostal way of worship. That was the moment I yearned to learn more about the holy spirit and speaking in new tongues. That desire led me to pursue the Pentecostal way of worship and that was the beginning of what I may say, my Christian journey.

From there, I never turned back and I have since involved myself so much in the ministry. As I grew up, I took part in the Choral group at church. When I turned 19, I started teaching Sunday School. I was so attached to the children in my class that I would even pay personal visits to their homes. 4 years later, I was made the Sunday School Superintendent. I was head of the Sunday School from the ages of three to 25. That gave me exposure to Christian Leadership and made me realize how important it is to be a steward in the house of God. I was also the Secretary in the Church Administration Board at assembly level. Being the only single female in the board then, led me to tremendous growth both spiritually and physically.

I identify myself as both a Pastor and a Youth Leader although I am not at all ordained. I feel I am a role model to the youth because I got to be grounded and more focused during my youthful days. My experience of Christ was at the most crucial time of maturity and I feel blessed to have known Christ better during that period, hence my desire to lead especially the youth to Christ. I also feel that I am a Pastor because of the urge that I have to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and lay my hands on the sick.

What prompted me to pursue ministry is the strong desire in me to be more than just a lay member of the church, but spread my wings, help others grow in Christ and deliver the oppressed. In my country, there are no significant challenges due to the fact that it is a Christian country where one is free to worship. There are however, very few women Pastors and that drives me to join the few.

My local church has supported me immensely. Sometimes I am given the opportunity to preach during Ladies’ preaching weeks. My Pastor is also my mentor and he encourages me to pursue my calling. My family also plays a very important role in my ministry calling. I feel I am my family’s Pastor before ministering elsewhere. I hold family services with them where we sing, pray and read the Bible. It is in actual fact a training period and I know from my home pulpit, I can stand at a pulpit of any level.

A scholarship at Christian Leaders Institute will help make my dream come true. I wish to be a very influential Pastor, who is well-trained. In my country, Bible schools are costly and most of them require one to resign from work and be a full time student. Being a working mother, I cannot afford to leave work at the moment due to family responsibilities. However, my work will not hinder my studies, neither will my studies hinder my work when I am trained online at Christian Leaders Institute. That way I will be able to execute both my family responsibilities and the work of God.

My prayer is that as I strive to discover Christ and that my life may have a very positive impact in the lives of other people and that one day I will be able to minister on an international level.

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