Zambia Free Bible School

Zambia Free Bible School

Zambia Free Bible School  – My name is Lumbee Lupezula from Chongwe district of Lusaka province in Zambia. I am 36 years old and married to a bi-vocational pastor, Pastor Kombe. We have five children and live in Chongwe district of Lusaka province in Zambia. I am a full-time housewife and help in our local church women’s ministry.

I gave my life to Christ while at secondary school in 2001. It was holiday time, and we were home on break when I met a friend who preached Christ to me, the message was touching, and I saw my sin. I was convicted and convinced that I needed a savior. I gave my life to the Lord and have been a believer ever since.

The ministry training at CLI will benefit me in the sense that I will be equipped to better minister to my church and community. I will also use it to invite other pastor’s wives and women pastors and ministers to this training program.
I see myself as a small group leader and enjoy spending my time sharing the gospel with smaller groups of women. This makes me different from my husband who is an outgoing person. I still find our difference as a strength because he usually forgets that the bigger groups are formed from these small groups.

When I was a child, I always admired the life of the Catholic nuns. One of my aunties is a nun, and her Christian work made me feel like emulating her, she has been committed to her work, and this makes her a respected person in the family, but later when I became a believer. I changed churches, but never changed my desire to serve God by helping people.

In 2000 when my husband proposed love to me I was not willing at first because I thought this would hinder my life goal, but I later said yes and we got married and I have been euphoric to help him in the ministry work even as I pursue my vision to help the needy. I am particularly overwhelmed with the suffering of women in my community, and so this is a burden that burns in my heart to reach out to women in ways that go beyond average.

Our small peri-urban town is quite challenging in ministry work. The prevalence of HI/AIDS is quite high, and this is a burden that the community has to carry and the church has a real challenge to reach out to the widows, widowers, and orphans. The infected also need our help, and we are privileged to be a part of an army of women who want to help.
Our local church has been very supportive of our work of reaching out to women and orphans in our community. We have reached out to the community with the full support of the church leadership, and this is a real blessing.
My family is also very supportive, and they help me and encourage me to do even more. My starting of the CLI course is as a result of my husband’s recommendation and his desire to see me learn more and gain more ministry skills so as to improve and enhance my performance.

Zambia Free Bible School

I feel that having a scholarship at CLI will help me better serve God as a minister to the women in our church and community. I have observed my husband as he has been studying with CLI and I have noticed that his commitment and faith has grown even stronger and he is aiming high in ministry.

Studying with CLI will be a blessing for my family, church community and me.  I am so thankful to the CLI Vision Partners!  I feel called, and I sense a need to study at such a life impacting institution so as to enhance my Christian and Bible knowledge.

Pray for me to increase in knowledge and win favor before my fellow women and the community as a whole. I also request for prayer for our town; we have much satanic bondage that binds the people, drunkenness has overtaken our youth, and the sin of adultery and fornication are very high, and our town is the second highly infected area regarding HIV/AIDS prevalence rate. Please pray for us.

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