God is calling leaders to start a youth revival in Nigeria!

We’re blessed to live in a time when God is calling revival leaders throughout the world to various ministries and ministry positions. In many countries, there is a special focus on the youth. Perhaps because we know that the hearts of the youth must be turned to God if the future generations are to serve Him. Recently, Ogheneruno has been called to start a youth revival in Nigeria – in the homes and orphanages of the youth of his country!

My name is Ogheneruno Okorodudu, I came from a native land of urohbo, Delta state, Nigeria. I grew up seeing my parent as good worshipers of God. But my entire life has been different from what my parents trained me to be just because of the kind of life I choose in my youthful age. I decided to travel out of my country just to get a greener pasture; there I find out that life is not all about living it with the pleasures in it., one need to get attached to Jesus Christ. I remembered my church had a revival years back and I hurried from work to listen to the preacher, the more I listen the more I find the word of God strange in my inner spirit, I got saved that day and since then it has been a sweet story.

I have worked as a co-minister in church planting in my country and we are planting another one in Ughelli Delta state Nigeria. This part of the country needs help most of the youths and orphanage homes need to be fully imparted with the word of God; we are now making effort to teach them the word of God. As I proceed in the training, I see a greater light of what I’m going to be using the experience for; with the few training I have received I have been able to impart the members of our local fellowship and also our visits to orphanage homes.

Christian Leaders Institute has really in different way helped me in thinking towards my goals for the kind of ministry God has placed into my hands. With the great opportunity CLI is giving to students across the globe today it will indeed give me a high level of understanding ministry and how it should be handled in this part of the world I’m living in.

Finally, I want to use this opportunity to appreciate the leaders of CLI for their support, you are indeed following the steps of our Lord Jesus Christ, to have a scholarship at Christian Leaders Institute and to learn peacefully without stress its worth thanking you for. Thank you CLI and her Leaders.

You may not be called to be part of the youth revival in Nigeria, but revival is happening everywhere! Through God’s grace, you may be chosen to be part of the youth revival in your own home country! Perhaps you just want to strengthen your own walk with God! Either way, Christian Leaders Institute can help you receive the training you need to serve God effectively! Click here to find out more!

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