Youth Ministry Leader Training

Youth Ministry Leader Training

I live in the United States of America and I am in youth ministry leader training at Christian Leaders Institute. Ministry in this country is easy compared to what I imagine it to be in some other countries. For the most part, people are supportive of the gospel, though there are some exceptions to those who disagree with one ultimate truth: Jesus Christ.

I came to know the Lord in 3rd grade. I attended a Christian school and was listening to a chapel service where I heard the gospel, and it connected to my heart. I knew at that moment that God was asking me to be His child. I accepted Him into my heart and have desired to serve Him ever since.

My ministry dream is to be a liaison between hurting people and those who need help. I see myself as a “servant leader”, a behind the scenes type person. I don’t want to preach, but I’d love to set up chairs or bring water or be the details person to the person who is doing the preaching.

This class has renewed my walk with God by reminding me of the basics of the Christian faith. I identify with the word “youth leader” as that is the role that my husband and I currently serve in. I’d love to eventually be a small group leader as well and to expand our ministry with youth leadership, perhaps to older kids.

Several ministry leaders who served in my life served as the “key experience” that prompted me to pursue ministry. Mentors have and are filling me up–I desire to do the same with others!

Some unique challenges in my geographic area include the more liberal view that comes with living in an urban area. Due to this, some people/neighbors/relatives believe in Jesus but may struggle with how best to respond to more social justice type issues.

Currently, I am doing Bible Study Fellowship at my church. Studying Romans, specifically, has brought me back to that awful response to sin/what it does to our lives, BUT GOD… I desire to share that same truth with others in my life/ministry.

My local church has supported me in my ministry calling by encouraging my husband and me to continue in the positions that we are in and serving us lunch every 2nd Sunday of the month served by our youth pastor’s wife, and it is so good! My kids, especially, my oldest loves when we teach in his class and enjoys the weeks that we are his teachers.

A scholarship with CLI is very important to my ministry dream as I receive youth ministry leader training. Especially because my husband and I are still paying off my bachelor’s degree, and I cannot afford to attend seminary on my own.

Pray that my husband and I serve the kids well and that I (specifically) don’t become resentful on days that I need to serve instead of attending service. That is something that I struggle with since I live with two toddlers–I often do not feel as though I am being filled up, but the other people who are serving really help me in this by showing me their attitudes and working right alongside me. They don’t just leave me to swim alone–they are working just as hard or harder than I am, and I so appreciate that.

Learn about minister ordination at Christian Leaders Alliance.

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