Youth Ministry Leader

Youth Ministry Leader

Hello, my name is Andrew Woodill. I am receiving youth ministry leader training at Christian Leaders Institute. I grew up in Northern British Columbia, Canada. I grew up in a broken home raised by a single mother. I have, six brothers and one sister, although I was only raised with four of my brothers. My mother was very faithful in bringing us to church almost every Sunday. I did not want to go as a child, but slowly I desired to know more about God.

When I was about ten years old my mother took us to a Bible camp. It was there late at night as I listened to a speaker talking about how Jesus died for my sins, that I heard the call of God. You see, growing up without a father in my life, I had never known the love of a father. But at that moment, I knew that I had a heavenly Father who loved me and still loves me to this day. Later, in my early teen years, I was baptized.

It’s been well over a decade that I have been walking with God and I know that He guides my feet. This last year I started a young men’s Bible study at our church with the help of a close friend and mentor. We strive to teach them how to walk honorably before God. It’s very close to my heart as most of the young men do not have a father figure in their lives, just as I did not. God has allowed me to use many of my experiences to help minister to them.

One last major blessing on my life is my wife, whom I married last year. In the short time we have been married, I have been blessed to have her in my life. She points me back to God on a regular basis. We continue to grow in faith and love not only with each other but with God as well.
My last two points are why I am interested in Christian Leaders Institute for free online training. As both a youth ministry leader and a husband, I want to grow my understanding of God’s word to both serve Him better and to be a more effective leader that God has called me to be.

Learn about minister ordination with Christian Leaders Alliance.

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