Youth Ministry Dream Journey

Youth Ministry Dream Journey

My name is Gabriel Hindes and I am on a youth ministry dream journey. I am from Newark, Ohio. Although I attended church as a child and in my early teens, I fell away after hearing a testimony from a pastor who was also a recovering alcoholic. I remember being 15 and saying to my mom, “He is done partying so now he wants to talk about God.” Little did I know then how my life would take on that same trajectory.

After suffering a back injury in the US Coast Guard years later, it came back to haunt me. I went to the doctor and they put me on painkillers. I first became dependent and then I became addicted. During that time period, I experienced so much darkness. I found myself being in places I would never have imagined and seeing things I never wanted to see. It was a 10-year struggle from opiates and meth. I tried detox twice and many different self-help programs.

Four years ago, I decided to turn to God and give it a try. I had no idea what it meant to put God first so I decided to “Google” it. I found a local church that someone I went to high school with was the senior pastor. He and I spoke on the phone and I was in church the next day.
I became a youth leader there and I fell in love. Ever since then I have felt a calling to reach out to the youth of today. I remember God speaking to me and reminding me of what I said when I was 15 and how my life was on the same path.

I coach soccer at Licking Valley High School which is an opportunity God has blessed me with that I have embraced. Over the last three years, God has allowed me to use this as an opportunity for ministry.

What I am learning through Christian Leaders Institute is that my dreams of furthering my influence can be done without causing my family to incur more debt. I currently stay at home during my offseason with my three boys. I hope to step up and be a better spiritual leader and set a godly example for my sons.

I currently work on putting concerts on with Christian rap and rock bands to encourage our youth to engage in more positive music. Furthering my knowledge will allow me to further my influence amongst the youth and my community.

God has blessed me with a great mentor Josh Pennington and many other amazing leaders in my life. I would love to be able to take what I learn at CLI and give it back to those in my area who are searching for answers to the calling God has placed on them. God has put a dream in my heart on my youth ministry dream journey, that one day I will open a teen center. A place where teens from all over can gather and grow.

Learn about minister ordination at Christian Leaders Alliance.

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