Youth Ministry Dream

Youth Ministry Dream

My name is Angela from the United States, and I reside in Virginia. I have a youth ministry dream because as a child I grew up in a home where there were drugs and partying. As a teenager, I went to church and learned who God was. But as I got older, I started following the crowd which in turn led me away from God and to a life of drugs. As I got deeper and deeper into drugs, I was finding it harder and harder to walk away. I started losing everything I had. That is when I knew that I could not get out on my own. I cried out to God to help me and from then I turned my life back over to God.

As I gave my life back to God, I started working with the youth at my church as a way to realize my youth ministry dream. The more I worked with the children the more my heart’s desire was to teach them that there was more to life than what this world offers. We as a nation have so much to offer young adults and teenagers as a quick self-help that makes fixing problems on their own easier. Our youth are turning more and more to the ways of the world because the world promises a quick fix to everything, in turn, making it challenging for youth ministry. This is because we have to show our youth that what they see as a quick fix is only temporary and that the only way to truly be set free is through Christ alone. My youth ministry dream is to teach children that God is the answer to all that life has to throw at them. I want to lead children to Christ and show them through my example what true love in Christ is. Then when they go out into the world, they will be equipped to handle the storms of life.

Through these first classes, I have come to look more at my life and relationship with God. I look at the way I live and see if it’s pleasing to God. By reading the Bible more, it has brought transformation into my life because it has shown me how to grow in Christ. It has shown me how to change from the inside out.

I have a great support team with my pastors, church family, and family. My pastors are always there encouraging me to do better. They support me in pursuing my youth ministry dream at Christian Leaders Institute. They are always there when I need to talk or need help. My church family has been a big support by helping me in my ministry when needed. My husband is always encouraging me to keep going and not give up.

My heart’s desire is to be a better youth leader and a scholarship would give me a chance to take leadership classes that otherwise I would not be able to do. My prayer is that I will stay in God’s will in all I do and be the example that the youth need to live a Christ-like life.

To learn about Minister Ordination check out Christian Leaders Alliance.

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