youth leadership training

The Youth Are Seeking Youth Leadership Training

With the youth increasingly falling trap to the ways of the world, it is motivational to see many youths seeking out their place in ministry. Many stories from our graduates have expressed a concern to reach the youth, the next generation. But none more than our students who are youths themselves. They feel a compelling understanding of their current day struggles from family pain, frustrations with friends, to worldly ways. Our youth are seeking youth leadership training in ministry to introduce God and our Savior Christ Jesus to our broken world. A God-given passion to transform the lives of many by preaching, teaching, and evangelizing. Let us walk the road of a better way, the way taught by Jesus.

With Christian Leaders Institute, we provide our classes online for free to every one who enrolls. From beginning to end, our youth leadership training can be completed absolutely free! No catch, just free! We encourage all of our brothers and sisters in Christ who feel led by the Lord to get trained. Whether your calling is to reach the youth, young adults, or older, CLI is here to fully equip you for wherever the Lord leads you.

Inspired By Parents To Obtain Youth Leadership Training

My name is Bernard McKenzie Junior. I was born September 6, 1988 and raised in the United States of America in the city of Chicago, Illinois. I work as a Security Officer at a preschool. My mother is an Evangelist and my father is the Pastor and Founder of the McKenzie Mission Non-Denominational Church in Chicago, Illinois. They both have always made sure they kept me in church. Growing up, to not see my parents in the same household, was difficult. My mother was forced to be a single parent and take care of me alone. Sad to say, because of my father’s obligation to his ministry, he tended to neglect me. My mother put her best foot forward to coach me on all that she knew about life, but she could not teach me how to be a man. I had to learn how to be a man on my own. Even though my mother and I worked in his church diligently, it created a lot of bitterness and resentment towards him. I felt unsupported by him, as if he wasn’t interested in what I was doing, and no love from him. The most difficult circumstance was me having to overlook him as a poor father and respect him as my pastor. As I matured in God, He gave me a revelation: “Accept what He allows.” I use this testimony to help other youths who struggle with the issue of being raised in a single-parent home.

At the age of three, my eyesight was so bad the doctors performed an emergency surgery on my eyes. A month after the surgery, I had to gain strength in my eyes to get my eyesight back. I believe that’s when God started to show me visions in my dreams. Both of my parents are prophets of God, and God speaks to me as well. Even to this day, God has a way of showing me things at night while I am resting. Things I don’t necessarily want to see, especially death. I have not always understood everything that God has shown me in my visions but I always write my dreams down in a journal, as I ask him to give me clarity.

A kindergarten teacher taught me my first song, “If anybody asks you who I am, tell them I am a child of God.” I have always had a gift of singing. I never would have imagined God would advance my musical gift as I grew older. As God began to perfect my gift, He used me as one of His vessels to not only sing, but to also write songs to encourage others to get to know Christ just as I do. I am currently the musical director for my father’s church. Being there, directing the choir inspired me to start my own music ministry: “Bernard Jr. & Anchored.” For five years, we sang in many different cities and in March 2013, Anchored had an awesome opportunity to release our first single entitled “Rescue Me.” I am currently working on my solo musical project titled, “Born 2 Win.”

I have always been able to encourage and uplift people’s spirits; whether I was singing, talking, or even blogging on the internet. God has blessed me to be a vessel for Him. My vision is to become a mentor for the younger generation of today. In the churches that I fellowship with including my own, I am very well respected as a man of God. In my city, there are so many youth that are killed due to gun violence. I believe that God is raising up youth leaders to guide them in the path of righteousness. I want to introduce them to God and help them find salvation. My ministry goal is to become a youth pastor. In order to do that I want to ensure I work hard at CLI so I can have the credentials I need. I have always stayed close to God and I have always loved church.

As I matured in God, I realized that it takes more than just going to church every Sunday. The walk with God is daily. I started taking time and reading the word of God daily and praying that I be an example to the Kingdom of God. The Bible says to readers in 2 Timothy 2:15, “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” The Lord is calling me beyond singing. God wants me to preach the Gospel to the world, as well as, encourage others. I understand that in order to do this I have to know the word of God for myself. When it comes to evangelizing, I get overjoyed.

Currently, I am not financially stable; therefore, getting my youth leadership training for free with CLI will greatly assist me to acquire this phenomenal training I need to advance into the place where God wants me. Not only will it help me on my journey to achieving my ministerial licensing, but it will also help others. I have a strong position that a lot of the disasters in the world that are inflicted by people are caused by the lack of not being heard, the lack of people understanding what others are going through, and the hurt that these people are releasing. With youth leadership training, it will propel and grant me the opportunity to serve as and minister to those that are hurting.

I’m asking that you continue to pray that God will continue to use me as a vessel to help people to know Him. Pray not only for me, but for every student who are attending CLI that they are walking in the Spirit and not of the flesh and that we are all doing what we are predestined to do, evangelize.

Youth Leadership Training With CLI

Click here to gain access to receive your free online youth leadership training with CLI! Whether youth leadership training is the direction you would like to go in your ministry, or you are looking to minister in another area, CLI is the bible college for you. With our high quality classes, you will find yourself well equipped to discover where God is placing you in ministry! Also, check us out on Facebook for more inspirational stories like Bernard’s.

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