Young Adult Ministry

Young Adult Ministry

I feel called to a young adult ministry. I am currently living in Western Australia, a truly beautiful part of the country. I thank God every day for my surroundings and the people that I have been blessed to find myself with.

I first came to know Jesus as a child through my parents and the typically English upbringing of Sunday school and church activities. I enjoyed a positive upbringing within the church family until approximately 14 years of age. That is when I turned away from church life and spent the majority of my adolescence doing the opposite of what I should have been doing. I formed the first ‘Death’ metal band in Perth, Western Australia in which I played guitar and did vocals for the next three years. I was also struggling with alcohol addiction.

Sometime later, approximately in my early 20s, I repented and asked Jesus for forgiveness. I had lost a dear friend and it brought home the feelings and the need for Jesus in my life. The relationship I was in at the time wasn’t supportive of my return to faith. Thankfully, after some years struggling with that, God led me to meet the woman who is now my wife. She encouraged my faith journey and together we found a local church to be planted in. Which, by the grace of God, was headed by the Pastor who had been leading the church I was involved in as a child. His wife was my formeSundayay school teacher.

I’ve now been at Spires Life Church for many years and head up both the Media team and the Young Adult ministry. At times, I struggle with some of the teachings and some of the ideas and ‘human’ ways that the church staff can do things. My desire is to reach the world and bring more people to Christ, so I think I can put up with the church problems to reach my end goal.

My ministry dream would be an outreach to all people, particularly young adult ministry through the use of media and technology, bringing people to the Lord. Another one of my ministry goals is to one day lead my own church for the purpose of bringing Christ’s teachings into people’s lives in a modern way.

I have started looking at some things differently because of this first course at Christian Leaders Institute. A clear perspective on how to lead others in the correct way has been a major benefit of completing this course. The ministry word I most identify with would be Youth Leader or Pastor. I would like to give perspective to others about the teachings of Christ when God deems me ready to do so.

A key experience that made me want to pursue ministry is that I saw many people missing out on hearing the teachings of Christ in our area for various reasons. I felt that I could use my talents and gifts to effectively reach the people in my community.

Some unique challenges in Australia are the distance between places and the general attitude of Australians. Maybe you have heard, “Shell be right mate” demonstrating the easy-going nature of Australians. This sometimes gets in the way of the important things, and it’s not cool to be a Christian. I see the Bible as a roadmap to my life. It has shown me how to live my life in such a way that I become more like Christ every single day.

My church has been very accommodating by allowing me to expand my media team as I see fit. They have given me the freedom to implement new ideas and pursue my vision for our local church. I would like to expand it beyond the walls of that church to the wider community. A scholarship with CLI is important to give my ministry some weight in my pursuit. Please pray that God will use me to further his kingdom in any way that suits his plans for me.

Learn about local ecuministry ordination at Christian Leaders Alliance.

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