Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. My name is Robert Biyena and I live in Cameroon, in the town of Douala. I am the sixth of seven children. I blessed the Lord greatly for the freedom we have in our country here to share the Gospel. I’ve been doing it for some years now, in markets, from house to house, in crossroads.

The Lord revealed Himself to me when I was still a small boy in the Town of Garoua in 2000. In 2001, I knew some challenges and backslided even though I continued going to church. I bless the Lord because since 2004, I was forcefully catched by God and I am enjoying this glorious walk with Christ and I will keep enjoying it till Jesus come.

My ministry dream is to invade my town, my country… the world with Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Many people have heard about a certain Jesus, but they have never received an understandable presentation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I want to do it by setting up small groups everywhere and equipping every believer to be a disciple maker. I believe what fits me better is evangelist/church planter.

In 2004, I was baptized and filled with the Holy Spirit. From that time, I went about preaching the Gospel of the kingdom and I knew I was called to ministry. One year later (in 2005) as I was on my knees praying around 11 p.m., the Lord called me twice by my name and confirmed the call the ministry. He gave me some clear instructions

Among other issues, I believe corruption is one of the worst things in our Cameroon. Corruption has become a way of living in this nation. It is very difficult to get a service without bribe and it has seriously affected the economy of our nation. People are also unemployed and there is much poverty.

The church has encouraged a lot in my call and has given me the opportunity to display my potential. I came to know God through my elder brother and he is encouraging also.

I believe CLI is a gift of God to me because I am not financially viable. I was seeking a good Bible School to train myself without relocating somewhere else, then I came across CLI and saw it as a divine opportunity given to me.

I pray that the Lord may mightily work through me to bring everybody I encounter to obey to the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ

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