Work Of God In The Green Pastures Of Ireland
Impact The World With The Work Of God
One thing is for sure in our world today, the work of God will never run out. This is a business that will never close its doors. There is much to be done for the Kingdom. Some are called to preach, others teachers. Some are evangelists, others missionaries. Some are called to be in children’s ministry, youth ministry, women’s ministry, men’s ministry. The work of God is endless. We encourage our brothers and sisters, and we introduce the Lord to those who have never heard his name. Wherever there is people, the work of God is possible.
Erica Lowry Is Ready To Do The Work Of God
My name is Erica Lowry and I have been living in the Republic of Ireland for 6 ½ years. I never imagined I would live abroad one day, let alone serving God in a small town in Ireland!
It all started when, at 20 years old, I gave my life to Christ leaving behind a messed up past with lots of hurts and wrongdoings. Not that everything disappeared overnight. There are still things to be treated within my being, but God’s grace and wonderful mercy propels me to stand up and move to the direction He leads me, facing the challenges in life with hope and confidence.
I grew up attending mass every Sunday and thought for a good while that that was what I was supposed to do in order to be right with God. In my teenage years I caught myself thinking about what I was seeing around. That happened several times. I started questioning confession/penance, huge variety of ‘saints’- each one for a specific need, Jesus being kept on the cross full of blood (He resurrected, right?), the performance of rituals and repetition of the same words in order to ‘feel’ that I had been forgiven. I felt trapped in a meaningless and ritualistic life. And God knew that.
Having come from an unstructured home, I felt the need of spending lots of time outdoors and on one of those occasions I saw myself in a Christian camp, being invited by a Christian colleague who was studying with me at that time. Since then, I’ve been walking with the Lord. I have had big ups and downs and after a painful divorce 7 years ago, God brought me to where I am now – Ireland! – and I am forever grateful for that. Not only did He give me a wonderful husband here, but He also put me in a position to be able to help others in their walk with Him. I am truly a blessed woman!
My ministry dream is to be more and more obedient to God and encourage others to do the same and, by doing so, to fully embrace their identity in Christ and enjoy an abundant life.
I am a teacher by profession and God has improved teaching skills by consistently keeping me teaching children since the early days of my conversion. I also have a strong desire to help other women to respond to God’s calling in their lives and I simply love being an encourager for them. I’ve been learning a lot in the process on how to be more effective as I share my personal testimony and God’s Word with different types of people, respecting the stage they are in their lives – emotionally, physically and spiritually.
My husband is a pastor and I am also encouraged by him and truly blessed for our sharing similar ministerial goals.
Ireland has a sad past regarding religion and disregard for people. The hurts are obvious as nearly everyone in their 50s, for example, has a story of abuse either in school or in church to tell about their religious upbringing. Their resentment, in many cases, prevents them from seeing God as a loving Father who cares about their lives. People in religious authority (for many years Ireland was heavily under the influence of the established church in all areas of life) mishandled the Scriptures or totally forgot about them. All these problems and many others have greatly impacted the Irish nation and left a bitter taste in people’s mouths concerning Christianity.
My husband and I are part of a small gathering of believers and we are also involved with the broader community. It always amazes me how the small tasks in the local community result in big results for the kingdom. Sometimes we become discouraged for not seeing the results we expect and then we are blessed to hear that our testimony here reached another country. We don’t function in order to always see things happening in front of us. God cannot be boxed in, His message and our testimonies travel distances we cannot imagine.
Our brothers and sisters in Christ support us with prayers and valuable encouragement. It’s a journey we’ve been walking together and we try to be open and honest about our struggles.
CLI will help me to feel more equipped and enabled to do the work of God. The financial resources are limited at the moment and we try to do our best with them. Having the opportunity to study online for free is a tremendous blessing that I hope to honor not only by putting great effort in my studies, but also by donating to CLI when I am able to do so.
Please pray for God’s direction, wisdom and discernment as we go about doing His business and want to do it diligently and joyfully. Thank you
Called For The Work Of God
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