Women’s Ministry Education
Women’s Ministry Education
Join today and receive free women’s ministry education. Christian Leaders Institute (CLI) offers free high-quality online ministry training. CLI accepts any individual anywhere in their life to learn about Christianity. Read a student’s testimony below who found CLI and is using the free women’s ministry education to answer his call from God.
Webster & Bravo Cannot Define Me,
Hey, guys! I am Sabrina Hayes, a pretty normal (but not so normal) American girl with Ministry dreams and aspirations the size of our beloved Grand Canyon. Here in these United States, we enjoy the freedom of religion, the ability to practice our faith out loud, minister to others without fear of retaliation or political discipline, and we have the right to read the Bible freely and without suffering recourse. My opportunities abound as the wide open plains of the Midwest.
I was born a Christian. I grew up in church, reciting those keynote Easter speeches in my shiny, white shoes, and singing songs of praise with the A/B choir in countless pulpits. It wasn’t until 21, through the traumatic experience of losing my brother to murder, that I walked into an amazing relationship with my Lord Jesus Christ PERSONALLY and one-on-one, and not at the nudging of my zealous Grandparents. He became my Rock, my Source of comfort, and my Best Friend.
My Ministry dream is actually my reality! Sanctuary Girl Women’s Ministry has been birthed and is on her way. Sanctuary Girl is more than a ministry; she’s an actual person. She is the woman who knows who she is. She is the girl who is willing to stand firm in what God defines her to be, in direct defiance of what society, in all its Hollywood and social media glory, compels her to be. She is the girl who accepts that what her faith says might not be popular with what her family and friends have to say; but yet she stands. The Word is her Foundation. Her safe haven. Her security. Her Sanctuary. She is a #sanctuarygirl.
My ordination will afford me the credentials that I need, and the credibility that I need, to minister to women all over the country through the retreat experience. Being able to pour into those who are hurting, who are deficient in the knowledge of what GOD says they are capable of and speaking His Word and promise to them, is an invaluable charge that has been placed on my life and will be supported through my ordination. The pivotal experience that prompted me to pursue ministry was the realization that many women in our culture, young through old, are defining themselves by standards they should not be, such as reality television and social media. THERE IS AN AMAZING NEED for women who KNOW better to hit the paths and redirect these comparisons. We must be a community of women who draw each other back to what God says we are and should be as mothers, daughters, wives, professionals, and the many other roles we carry. I choose to be among those who take up this charge.
I also look forward to helping women begin their marriages rooted and identified in the Word, as an ordained officiant. Who they are as wives is paramount for them to know going into marriage, and as an officiant, I will have the opportunity to minister to them according to what the Word says and debunk what the world says.
My local church has been amazing in support of my endeavors. I have access to women in leadership who have poured into me, been a source of accountability and encouragement, and have even joined forces with me in the work ahead. I could not do true ministry life without them. My family has also been a staunch source of support. With three teenaged daughters, my mission is more important here at home than anywhere else. They get it and they stand squarely behind me at every pass.
The scholarship to CLI was vital for me as I have two daughters in college who require fiduciary support. It would have been cost-prohibitive to bear their burden and my own. The free training at CLI was a godsend and has granted me the opportunity to pursue my dream of a Ministry Degree without assuming additional financial responsibility.
Prayers for Ministry are always coveted and needed. I request prayer for favor over my plans, that God would establish my steps as I commit my plans to Him, I pray that He would place His Hand of blessing before and behind me and that it would rest upon my Head. I pray that I would continually put Him first in my Ministry, seeking Him and His Kingdom first, knowing that in doing so, He would supply all things. I ask for prayer that women all over would be given ears to hear and eyes to see God’s Truth about them and closed to what the world says. Joining me in this prayer is the greatest honor you could provide.
CLI has been an immense blessing in my life. I look forward to making them proud in the Lord through my women’s ministry education and its impact on women nationwide.
Sabrina Hayes
Check out more stories about CLI students becoming leaders in women’s ministry and much more on the CLI Facebook page
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