Women in Ministry Ordination

Christian Leaders Institute offers free ministry training to those called into ministry.  This clergy-study program is suited for those seeking volunteer, part-time, or career ministry leadership.  The Christian Leaders Alliance has a licensing and ordination program where your study is recognized. You must gather recommendations. You may order optional recognition packages.

This women in ministry ordination is inspired by the Women’s Ordination of Phoebe in the Bible. Romans 16:1  I commend to you our sister Phoebe, a deacon of the church in Cenchreae. In the first several centuries of the early church, women like Phoebe served as women in ministry in local churches in various roles including such things as women’s ministry, church planting, evangelism, teaching, proclamation, healing, etc.

Phoebe assisted the Apostle Paul in his ministry including answering any questions leaders had concerning the book of Romans. She delivered the letter to the Roman church and was, therefore, charged by Paul to answer questions concerning this important book of the Bible.

Women in Ministry Ordination program includes 28 credit hours of advanced ministry training. To receive this women in ministry ordination at CLI, one must complete the Women in Ministry Certificate with the following classes: (three more than the Officiant Ordination)

  • Christian Leaders Connections (3 Credits)
  • Christian Basics (3 credits)
  • Old Testament Survey (3 credits)
  • New Testament Survey (3 credits)
  • Pastoral Care and Marriage (3 credits)
  • People Smart for Ministry (3 credits)
  • Church and Ministry (3 credits)
  • Women’s Ministry (3 credits)
  • Elective (3 credits)
  • Women in Ministry Ordination (1 credit)
  • Total of 28 credits

After the Women in Ministry Ordination candidate has completed the women’s ministry Award, she is allowed to enroll in the women’s ministry ordination class.

Ordination Program

Part One – It covers leadership dynamics that ordained women will encounter.

Part Two – A comprehensive review test of Bible knowledge and Christian doctrine.

Part Three – Officiant Training- This training comes directly out of the Officiant training ordination class. If you have already taken this ordination, this will be a helpful review. You are allowed to use your same endorsements. Those ordained to women’s ministry ordination, therefore, will also be able to be recognized as Officiants so that they can perform weddings or funerals.

This class also requires that the women in ministry candidates receive three endorsements. One of the endorsements must come from her spouse if she is married. These endorsers testify that she is walking with God obediently and confirms that she has a calling for ministry.

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10 replies
  1. Shannon meadows
    Shannon meadows says:

    This sounds like a great program… Will be starting this tomorrow! Thank you so much for this training!

  2. Sandy
    Sandy says:

    I am thrilled!! This is exactly what I am looking for. Although I stil plan (Lord willing) to take other classes here too.

  3. MJ Callejas
    MJ Callejas says:

    What an answer from God! Thank you!!!! God bless you. I can’t wait to start taking these classes 🙂

  4. Esther Ekpo
    Esther Ekpo says:

    Excellent Idea, am so excited about this, can’t wait to complete my current course and get started on that. God bless your efforts.

  5. Rosie Nokuthula Sipambo
    Rosie Nokuthula Sipambo says:

    Wow! These are good news. Do you have to do women in ministry certificate if you have completed your basic leadership certificate ?

  6. Nicole
    Nicole says:

    This is wonderful! I started classes before, my computer went down and I knew I would have to start over. Now this program seems to fit me! Excited!

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