Witness For God

We are all called to be a witness for God to whoever we meet and wherever we are. God used James Baucom to be a witness for him even through the tough situation James faced.

My name is James Baucom. I currently reside in small town Fla. Lake Helen. I live with my wife of 32 years. Our daughter lives with us and is a blessing to us. I am a diabetic, with a lot of the problems that come along with the disease.

Even in great pain, James chose to be a witness for God to anyone who would listen.

This past November I was awakened around 2 am one morning with severe chest pains. All my life when I found myself in any trouble, I called on Jesus. That early morning I did the same. And as always He answered. I was overcome by both a sense of peace and urgency. I had an appointment with a doctor that morning, so I continued to rest a few hours.
Long story, short, God once again healed me while putting me in a great place to witness.. After much prayer and thanksgiving and countless hours of witnessing, I was sent home from the hospital.

James testimony and witness for God should be an encouragement for us to be a witness for God in places we sometimes don’t expect.

I tell all of this for your encouragement. No matter where we are, no matter what is happening to us, God will use us to reach those who need a witness. I pray you will find God’s strength in my circumstances and embrace His grace and power to you in your circumstance. If God can use me, He will indeed use whoever is available. Make yourself available by trusting Him no matter where or what the situation we face.

James is at CLI to ensure that he gets formal instruction so he can witness for God with even greater knowledge.

Now through this experience, there is time for me to continue a formal instruction period at CLI. Which I highly recommend, so that we have access to ministry to more places and more people so that God will be glorified in all the world. Now may the Great God of heaven and earth hold you and lead you as He wills.

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