Become a Wedding Officiant
A license program that makes you approved and legal in every state in the United States and most countries of the world
Become a Wedding Officiant Though Training and Official credential
Christian Leaders offers Christians the easiest way to complete professional clergy grade training to legally perform Christian wedding ceremonies.
Join a Community of thousands of licensed wedding officiant graduates
Become a wedding officiant that is confident, Compentent & Credible
Were you asked to officiant a wedding? Are you interested in becoming a licensed wedding officiant?
The Christian Leaders Institute offers a professional clergy credentialing approach that can easily make you a wedding officiant within one month.
It also covers four important bases to credential you as a licensed wedding minister!
Some Program Details:
- Create a free student account and complete the required free training. This training covers how to become a wedding officiant, with videos, written materials, and quizzes for an official record.
- Licensed Wedding Officiant Credential Program. This minister credential program includes a local endorsement. You must gather at least one recommendation.
- Global Minister Posting. After you complete this program, the Christian Leaders Alliance will post your name as a Licensed Wedding Officiant.
- Official Minister Recognition Credentials. Order your Credentials, including a letter of good standing, a clergy ID card, a Licensed Minister Credential Certificate, and more, depending on the package you choose.
How much time will this take?
Most people who apply themselves can complete the program in their spare time in between 2 and 4 weeks.
Official Requirements for License
- Christian Wedding Officiant Skills Course (1 Credit)
- Licensed Christian Wedding Officiant Credential Class (0 Credits)
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