War Veteran

War Veteran Receiving Ministry Training

Phillip Lewis is a war veteran receiving ministry training at CLI to minister to the large population of war veterans in his area.

Lewis is a Silver Vision Partner with CLI because he wants to be a part of making free ministry possible worldwide. 

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My name is Phillip Lewis. I live in the United States in Portage Indiana. I came to know the Lord back in 1992 before I graduated from high school. I backslid off and on for many years. I was called into ministry when I was in the program Teen Challenge, but I was still not spiritually ready or even mature enough at that point in my life.

I believe my calling is to help disabled Veterans, as I am one myself from the Iraq war, and also to those people who are suffering. I believe the word that would best describe me is an evangelist, or minister because I want to minister to people and share with them the joy of Jesus Christ.

The key experiences in my life that have called me into service was my time in teen challenge and my combat experience in Iraq. In my opinion, the veteran populace does not have the support that it needs from civilians, just due to the fact they cannot relate to combat experience like someone who’s been there. The unique challenges I face where I live is there is a high veteran population and hardly any services for them. I did start a small group called independent veterans Society of Indiana but was unable to keep it running. The local church Garington Covenant helped out by letting us use their basement for the group, as far as getting help with ministry training I have had no help.

My wife is very supportive of my calling, and she says I would make a good pastor. The scholarship Christian leaders Institute would provide will be helpful, due to the fact I am on a fixed income. I can learn at a faster pace as well since I have a lot of time on my hands. I would ask that you pray for my health and that God will open the right doors for me and put people in my life that are filled with his spirit.

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