Walk with God – Emmanuel Owolabi of Spain

Walk with God - Emmanuel Owolabi of Spain

Walk with God – Emmanuel is training to be an evangelist. He knows a strong walk with God is the foundation of a good ministry. He shares his journey with us.

“Glory be to God almighty our heavenly father, may him alone be praised, worshiped and adore. I am very humbled to have come this far with CLI, for this great opportunity offered me to have a walk with God.

I currently live in SPAIN and is great doing ministry here. This is because there is freedom to practice your religion; glory to God. It’s a predominantly Christian Country however Christ has to be preached to the overwhelming population blind by what we call western civilization. There is a huge opportunity to help others have a walk with God.

I came to know the lord when I was a boy after visiting a local church in my home country and brought him to our home. My mother welcomed him immediately and ever since that time, he has been our lord. I actually became born again, saved and baptized in my adult years and since then have risen to walk with God and become an Evangelist.

My Ministry dream is to clear the forest for the king and with the knowledge of his word and lead them to walk with God.”

A walk with God will give Emmanuel passion to spread the word to all who will listen.

“The only way this can be achieved is for me to be well equiped with his word by receiving Ministry training from CLI through its scholarship programm. This scholarship is so important to me in achieving my ministry dream because he has instructed us to study to show oursleves approved, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed but rightly dividing the word of truth.

I can be prayed for by asking for continual guidance for my personal walk with God. I’m really humbled for this prayer and support.

Lastly again, let me say a big thank you to CLI for this previledge given to me to receive this leadership training, I will definitely utilize it through the power of the Holy Spirit to accomplish this dream and further my walk with God.

Thank you so much.”

Emmanuel has finished the Christian Basics Certificate. He continues to grow in his training and walk with God thanks to generous donors of Christian Leaders Institute.

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