United Kingdom Bible School Student Reflections

United Kingdom Bible School Student David Hill, a student at the Christian Leaders Institute Bible school, reflects on the class “Church and Ministry.” In his final paper, David talks about what he learned in this Bible school class. “The church and ministry course was a very informative one…” He says. “It has taught the value of starting small groups, which in themselves will grow into church and ministry… …Participation by everyone where possible gives a stronger understanding of each other, brings team building and allows everyone to see how in their own way, they too can really make a difference to serve the lord.” Bible school classes often impact each of the students differently, but what David got the most out of this Bible school course was the need for participation. People make the church, not the other way around. When God’s people are working together in fellowship, the church will grow. The Bible school class, “Church and Ministry,” Emphasizes this as one of its key points, and that point struck home with David.Bible School

United Kingdom Bible School Certificates

Before he could even enroll in the Church and Ministry Course, David Hill had to complete the class “Getting Started: Christian Basics Certificate.” This course introduces students to the Bible school model at Christian Leaders Institute. It also asks the students to share some information about their Christian life and ministry goals. As David completes this portion of the course, he shares, “I suffered child abuse and was moved to a children’s home, again needing the love I was lacking, I found it in no place but the Lord.
“Throughout everything, he has been there, holding and protecting me. Even me, the child who believed he was disgusting and unwanted because of the things which had happened to him.
“That is not to say I have always been close to God, there are time I went off to fulfill my own desires, there have been times when I’ve doubted myself of being worthy of God, but I can say with all honesty, I have never once doubted the Lord or his love for me.
“I believe as Philippians 2:11, Jesus Christ is Lord and I have had a yearning to preach since around 2001 but fear has held me back, in all that time however the Lord has pushed that desire and now it is time to let go of me and dedicate my life to him and his word, it is a small price to pay for what he has given me through his grace.”

The willingness to share such a difficult story speaks of the courage that marks David and many others who come to this Bible school to study. David has answered God’s call to be a leader in the Christian community. To prepare for what the Lord has in store for him, he was guided to Christian Leaders Institute. Christian Leaders Institute is the only Bible school to offer a high quality education to people all over the world without any cost to the students.

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