traveling ministry

The Joys of Being an Evangelist with a Traveling Ministry


Not all people called into ministry feel the call to be behind a pulpit, teaching in a class setting, or being found in suit and tie meetings. Part of the body of Christ belongs to the workers who love to get out there among the people. Where there shall be buildings and life, there shall you find an evangelist. The evangelist knows no bounds of where preaching the gospel comes to a stop. They come with a traveling ministry. The come with the message of Jesus.

Traveling Ministry Found Throughout the South African Nation

I am a truly South African, young man who was born in 1994, by Mziwakhe (father) and the late Zandile Kubheka (mother) who passed away in 2006. Leaving behind my four siblings and my dad, I was raised by my late grandmother from the maternal side, who passed away this year in March.

Ministering the word of God in South Africa is not that easy. Many people know the truth about salvation, some are back sliding and others don’t want to hear about salvation. Recent findings simply states that South Africa is over populated with a number of churches. But the reality is there are so many people who don’t have a relationship with God or are not born again. I understand the significance of kingdom advancement. Soul winning is my fundamental concern. I have been to outreaches in preaching the word of God (e.g: open airs and movement or traveling ministry).

I grew up going to Sunday schools, so I would say I was born in a Christian family. I participated in every single activity there was in the Sunday school as a child. From the years of 11 – 15 years of age, I was engaged in bad stuff. I was doing things that were not pleasing God. I was born again or received salvation at the age of 16 and I started to have a strong relationship with the Lord until the current moment.

I am currently a student, and I serve the most high God by preaching His Word to the people. My ministry is not a church based kind of a ministry. I minister a lot in open – airs and in the market place. But that doesn’t mean I don’t minister at church. I am called for traveling ministry to free the captives from the kingdom of darkness by preaching the gospel of Truth to the nations as the bible records, “…to whom the son sets free, he shall be free indeed….”. The mandate of my ministry is motivated by Mark 16:15 by merely ministering beyond the church boarders and ultimately across the globe. In that way, I would have accomplished the goal and a dream of my ministry.

I am an Evangelist because I have been given a special empowerment by the Holy Spirit to evangelize. Evangelism is about preaching the gospel, the Good News at it’s core. Simply the fact that Jesus Christ died on the cross for the sins of all mankind and rose again on the third day. Because of this single act of love and mercy on the part of God, we have the opportunity and privilege of coming into a personal relationship with him.

There is another Evangelism and Prophetic Movement called “KPG,” meaning KINGDOM PROPHETIC GENERALS. It’s mandate is soul winning and to equip young people to grow in the Lord. I am one of its distinct ministers, serving under the office of evangelist. The scholarship at CLI would be important to me in order to carry on with my course. I want to grow in the knowledge of knowing God, the things of God, and academically. It would mean a lot to me to be granted an opportunity to carry on with my studies at Christian Leaders Institute.

Traveling Ministry Training Available

Click here to enroll in Christian Leaders Institute’s free online ministry training! We provide all our classes with student materials free of charge! Be prepared for the battle field! Fulfill the calling on your life and let your traveling ministry glorify the kingdom of God!

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