Trained Church Planter – Free Program in Church Planting

Trained Church Planter

Steve Stoltzfus is a trained church planter from Pennsylvania.  Church planting is challenging. You dare to preach the gospel in a community. You sense the calling to minister to the lives of people touching the souls of humanity. A Godly trained church planter begins with a simple understanding. Stoltzfus testified,

God gave me Life, Healing and Free Ministry Training, I will say of the Lord, He is my Refuge and my Fortress

Christian Leaders Institute has been giving out free ministry training for years now. God has been raising up one Christian leaders.

Trained Church Planter Story

I am married to a wonderful woman named Naomi who has been my faithful wife for 27 yrs. I have 6 daughters and 2 sons. I also own a small business and we sell sheds all over North Eastern United States I gave my life to the Lord in 1997 after growing up in the Amish community. God has completely changed my outlook on life and has given me so many things to thank Him for including my Family my life and most of all the things that He has done for me.

I want to use this training to further learn about the will of God in my life. I am currently a Deacon in the local church. And also we currently lead a weekly bible study. Also have been a youth leader in the past. God is calling me in to spend more and more time in the ministry and I want to rightly divide the word of truth. Many people come to me with questions about Gods word or asking for prayer God has been calling me for years it is time to answer the call.

Wow as I write this I am amazed at what God can do. About a 1 1/2 ago I found Christian Leaders Institute. I had always wanted to go to a seminary but wasn’t able to because of family or other constraints. But God changed that I am now an Officiant and God is shortly going to help me become a pastor. God is so good and faithful he is helping me to rightly divide the word of truth. A few things He has done since starting at CLI are he has showed me so many truths through the good teachers also I have learned how to teach better.

Steve is in the process of starting our his ow church plant in East Stroudsburg Pa. As a trained church planter he has now started a church in his own home.   He also has weekly bible studies and outreaches. He has also connected 3 other people to CLI. and am looking to be an Ambassador for Ministry training in his area. God is doing great things through Steve. Pray that he is used to be an effective leader, preacher and teacher to fulfill the great commission of making disciples.

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