Thoroughly Study the Bible at CLI


 My “Mess” is my Ministry Message

My name is Nicole Kirk. I want to thoroughly study the Bible at the Christian Leaders Institute (Learn more about online Bible courses, Click Here).

From the United States, I live on the Eastern Plains of New Mexico. I am a wife to my husband Kodell, whom I met in middle school in 1993. We reunited 22 years after high school to marry in April of 2019. Thankfully, God has blessed me with our family and the ability to be a mother of three beautiful children. God has blessed us by making our family grow. I want to honor God by working to grow the Kingdom of God.

Although born and baptized a Lutheran, I did not grow up in the faith. I always believed in God, but I didn’t know God or have a relationship with Jesus Christ. Recently, I began my walk with Christ by studying the Bible. I searched diligently for a Bible-based church within my community. I want to grow as a disciple of Jesus and become a minister of The Gospel, which Jesus Christ called us to do in the Great Commission. To carry out my mission, God saved me from years of domestic abuse. Jesus placed the calling on my heart to become His witness and use my mess as a message to minister to women who have experienced domestic abuse. God saved me from my past to share the Gospel about our Savior Jesus, who saves us all!

Opportunity to Thoroughly Study the Bible at CLI

I obtained my Bachelor of Arts in Sociology from California State University of Northridge (CSUN) in 2010. Now, I’m continuing my studies with the Christian Leaders Institute (CLI) to thoroughly study the Bible. I also want to mentor women through God’s Word and hold Women’s Bible Studies. While I’m studying the Bible, I’m interested in earning a Bachelor of Ministry Degree to pursue my Master’s Degree in Marriage & Family Therapy (Counseling).

Ultimately, my ministry’s mission is to allow the Holy Spirit to lead my path. I am a diligent and dutiful minister, mentor, and resource as a witness to the Gospel of Jesus Christ to serve God’s Kingdom. Some women feel alone in their circumstances and do not feel that there is hope for a future. The domestic abuse I endured and survived in the past is a testimony to God. He redeemed me and was the hope Who saved me. Jesus saved this sinner and gave me the promise of a future in Heaven! God called me by his sufficient love and grace to be a witness of the Gospel of the Good News of Jesus Christ to those who need His eternal hope of Heaven.