Praise be on to him who created all things. Blessed be the name of the Lord on high. I want to extend my sincere gratitude to Christian Leaders Institute for devoting so much time and effort into making sure that the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ is reaching far beyond borders unheard of. May the God of Bethel, he who is the Horn of Our Salvation continue to bless and keep you. I pray that by the power of the blood of Jesus Christ I will find the knowledge I am seeking. I want to teach God’s words and be able to touch lives, change the situation and heal people around me. Having the scholarship to acquire the information that CLI gives through the wealth of ministry material will be very impactful to my journey with God. I pray that God continues to bless the work that CLI is doing for people like us who are in constant quest for the truth; may he never leave nor forsake our hearts and may he keep the fire burning in us. Amen!

I am a war survivor from Sierra Leone, West Africa. I have raised a Muslim, but Christ found me in January 2013, and he has been having been faithful to my family and me. By his grace, I want to continue to seek a deeper knowledge of his word.
I discovered Christian Leaders Institute like many before me, from searching the Internet for a free Bible ministry education, and I will be forever grateful I did. Since I signed up for the ministry leadership training, my life has been transforming right before my very eye. Every day, I wake up with the word of God, my relationship with him, his grace to be upon me, and walk with God in general on my mind. By the end of my day, I have listened to Bible passages, my work requires me to drive a lot, prayed, sang songs of joy, and have logged into CLI and done my reading and watched videos. My days are going by fast now with little or no coffee.

I pray to God for blessings of the works of my hands, so I can be a blessing to others, including doing my part to promote the vision/efforts of CLI. I have a story that connects me to donation-base causes like what CLI is promoting. I came to the US under a refugee program, after surviving one of the most brutal civil wars in human history, the civil war that ravaged Sierra Leone in West Africa, by the grace of God of course. What is interesting here is that during those ten years that God covered me with a hedge of protection against bullets and evil men, I had not given my life to Christ. It’s amazing how he still covered me with his blood.

The purchase of my ticket to the US was sponsored by members of the Lutheran Church. I did not have to belong to their church, just the heart of God in his people. Upon my arrival to the US, I found a job, and I worked to repay my ticket, not because the Church was adamantly asking for the money, but to help the church sponsor other refugees like me get out of languishing situations around the world. I just wanted to share that and encourage us to a life of being our brothers’ keepers. God bless you all and continue to grow in your love of Christ and keep walking with our God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Let us be blessings to one another, and because I know that God has already blessed you, I can only say, stay blessed!

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