Theology Degree Dream

Theology Degree Dream

My name is Bree and I have a theology degree dream! I was born in Chicago, IL. I grew up on the West side and remember feeling the nudging of God as early as 9 years old. My grandmother always took me to church, so I was raised Baptist. At the age of 14, I moved to Milwaukee, WI with my mother and siblings. I didn’t adjust well to being apart from my grandmother and made many mistakes. As I got older, I didn’t think much about God until I turned 15 years old. I was looking for something more but wasn’t ready to serve God with my whole heart. A childhood friend invited me to church and I gave my life to Christ. It was the best decision I have ever made.

At the age of 18 years old, I came to the Lord with a toddler and a baby on the way. Being a single mother in Christ, I faced a lot of shame and rejection. That shame carried over into my Christian walk for years. I was desperate for Jesus and felt like HE was my only hope. Jesus Christ showed me His love and I held on to His love with both hands. I left God for many years after my life was turned upside down by a leader in my church. Feeling betrayed, alone, and hurt, I retreated from church and God for several years. But once again, I felt the pull of Jesus calling me back. Jesus restored me over 12 years ago and now this is my opportunity to give back to someone else and show them the love of Christ. The failure is not in God, but man.

I learned valuable lessons which have helped me to be a more compassionate and merciful leader. I now serve as the Outreach Coordinator and Prayer leader at my church. I am also on my church board and a mentor to several saints of God. In Milwaukee, there are many challenges because many generations have never been in a church. Teen pregnancy and drugs have impacted the city greatly. It is my privilege and honor to serve God, and though there have been many dark days the good days outweigh them all. I would love to have a radio ministry and write a devotion to help others become stronger in the Lord Jesus. Christian Leaders Institute is helping me to realize the dream of having a degree in theology. Due to a brain tumor, I no longer work, so the free training is priceless! Thank you!

Learn about minister ordination at Christian Leaders Alliance.

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