Teaching Ministry Call

Teaching Ministry Call

My name is Linda Sue Pugh, and I have a teaching ministry call on my life. I live in the United States of America. At the age of 4, I met Jesus Christ. Our pastor’s wife took me to the altar, and there we prayed together. I asked Jesus to come into my heart and He did. As I grew up, our family moved more than an hour away from my home town. I suffered from depression and anger at having to move away from all my friends. It got worse when I experienced bullying at the new school which went to the eighth grade. From there, I went to high school. High school was much better, but I did not always listen to Jesus and made some poor choices.

God has always been faithful. There were times throughout high school I was called upon to either speak in front of a group or to lead a prayer. I don’t know why I was chosen to do those things. But, I know I could not ever deny Christ and say I didn’t want to do that. Other opportunities like these have opened doors to minister to others.

Teaching Ministry Call and Free Training at CLI

Then, the Lord called me to be a Worship Leader in our local church. This position was something for which I felt unprepared. I eventually was asked to sing in a gospel music group. While there, we made two recordings. But these things were not fulfilling in and of themselves. I needed Jesus to be REAL and ALIVE in my life. Marital problems led me to call upon Christ earnestly, and He showed up.

I attended college and received my Master’s Degree in Special Education Administration. Since that time, I joyfully teach adult Sunday school class and speak to people routinely about Jesus. I was not pursuing this for my benefit, but because God ordained it. My decision to embrace this and run with it has been fulfilling! I also lead women’s Bible studies at least once a year in my home, and I just returned from my second mission trip to Honduras.

Now I am studying at Christian Leaders Institute to learn more about the Bible and to receive ministry training for my teaching ministry call. So, what does God have in mind for the rest of my life? I am not certain, but I know that it will be good and meaningful.


Interested in collegiate credentials? Check out CLI’s Leadership Excellence School.

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