Support Free Ministry Training – Ancient Women Did!
Will you support free ministry training as a mission cause worthy of your prayers, gifts and networking with friends? Will your church take offerings to support free ministry training everywhere. I submit one of the prime purposes of the ministry organization of Jesus was providing free ministry training. I am also amazed to see that this ministry was supported by ancient leaders like Joanna. I love her story.
Joanna may have been the grand-daughter of the great high priest Theophilus. She was married to the manager of Herod Antipas’ house. Jesus saved her life from trouble (Luke 8:2). Jesus saved other women as well.
Joanna supported the ministry of Jesus. His ministry of raising up ordinary people such as fishermen like Peter and John for ministry. Jesus called, trained and mobilized these ordinary people. Jesus provided ministry training free of charge, but someone gave donations to support his ministry. Even though Jesus could have created all the money he needed, he chose to have his ministry supported by the generosity of his followers. Joanna was one of those followers who contributed to the ministry training organization of Jesus.
Joanna the wife of Cuza, the manager of Herod’s household; Susanna; and many others. These women were helping to support them out of their own means. Luke 8:3
Joanna continued to support the ministry training organization of Jesus till the very end; Even while dead from a Roman cross, Joanna contributed to the purchasing of valuable spices to put on the body of Jesus. She and other woman were on the way to anoint the presumed decaying body of Jesus. When they got to the tombs, they were met by Angels who informed them that Jesus was alive. The Angel reminded them of ministry training Jesus had given them.
He is not here; he has risen! Remember how he told you, while he was still with you in Galilee: ‘The Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men, be crucified and on the third day be raised again.’” Then they remembered his words. Luke 24:6-8
God is still calling ordinary and unexpected people. Some of these people needed to be healed from trouble, sin or demonic oppression. You would never think that someone like Nicole Roane who experienced great trouble and disappoint when her parents divorced when she was a senior in high school. She went down the path of despair and sin and walked away from God. She wrote,
Thus, I relinquished my relationship with Christ and instead chose to search for fulfillment in sex, drugs, alcohol, and abusive relationships. My life rapidly spiraled downward until I finally hit rock bottom at the age of 22 when I found myself unwed, pregnant, jobless, and homeless. My family had rejected me, I had no friends, and I was by all definitions of the word, alone.
Christ reached out and saved her.
Jesus calling me back to Him. It took several months, but I finally heeded the call and found a church. God rescued me from that point — I was no longer homeless or alone.
Over fourteen years have passed. Now Nicole is married and blessed with three daughters of her own. She is called to receive ministry training.
I was fully expecting to have to incur thousands of dollars of debt to obtain this education He was calling me to. Then, He led me to CLI where to my amazement, the price for education was calling not money. The foundation for
which this institute stands is a breath of fresh air. Someone finally got it right!! Jesus didn’t charge His disciples to learn from Him, so why should anyone else? Thank you, CLI, for this free ministry training opportunity to further my spiritual education for the glory of God!!! (Read her full story, click here)
Christian Leaders Institute is free supported by those followers of Jesus who believe this opportunity for free ministry training should be available to ordinary people no matter what their circumstances.
Will you support free ministry training? If you cannot support free ministry training, will you share this opportunity with someone who may want to support free ministry training with their gifts? Will you share this free ministry training opportunity with someone like Nicole who is called into ministry? Send your called friends to our website, click here.