Congratulations, you submitted your story

Your story will serve as motivation and encouragement to your brothers and sisters in Christ. You can read some of the more recent stories from other students in your class below.

Ministry Calling Free Bible Training

Ministry Calling Free Bible Training

Ministry Calling Free Bible Training Hello, My name is Anadelia Yamilex Jerez, and I finally found my passion. My family is from the Dominican Republic but I was born in New York. Growing up I felt like the ugly duckling of the family. Everyone…
Children's and Women's Ministry

Children’s and Women’s Ministry

Children's and Women's Ministry Journey My name is April Van Buul, from Alberta, Canada. My husband, Jonathan, and I have seven amazing children and two grandchildren. The oldest of four siblings, I was born and raised in Alberta, Canada. I…
Ministry Education Online

Ministry Education Online

Free Ministry Education Online My name is Jon Christian Porter, and I am from the U.S.A. I am blessed to receive free ministry education online at CLI. "I will arise and go to my father and will say to him, 'Father, I have sinned against heaven…
Children's ministry calling

Children’s Ministry Calling

God's Path to Children's Ministry Calling Hello, my name is Ashlee Swartz, from the USA. God has given me a children's ministry calling. I am the children’s ministry director at Trinity Faith Church in Liberal, Kansas. God has given me a…
Bachelor of Divinity Degree

Bachelor of Divinity Degree

Bachelor of Divinity Degree Journey  My name is Tony Hipps, and I am excited to study for my Bachelor of Divinity Degree at CLI and CLI. I live 15 minutes from downtown Nashville, Tennessee, Hermitage. Over the years, I have lived in several…
Further Education

Further College Education

Free Further College Education at CLI My name is Melita Prosise-Riley, and I am receiving a further college education at CLI and CLI. I live in Virginia in the United States of America. I was born in Stony Creek, Virginia, to Katherine Prosise…
Chaplain Education

Chaplain Education for Free

Chaplain Education Opportunity at CLI My name is Brother Calvin G. Dodson of Keystone Heights, Florida, USA. I am thankful for the Chaplain education opportunity at Christian Leaders Institute. In September of 2018, I was getting dressed…
An Extraordinary Mission

An Extraordinary Mission

An Extraordinary Mission From God I am Snehitha Govada from Vijayawada, India, an ordinary woman called by God for an extraordinary mission. I am called to minister to the broken people, to train leaders, and to expand the services of my local…
Called to Relationship with God

Called To Relationship With God

Called To Relationship With God My name is David Nnacheta. I am born and raised in Owerri, a small city in the South Eastern region of Nigeria. Growing up, I was what you might refer to as a “church boy.” My family was deeply religious.…
Ministry Call Discovery

Ministry Call Discovery

Ministry Call Discovery My name is Maggie Schmeiser, and here is my ministry call discovery journey. I currently live in a small agriculture-based town in Northwest Kansas in the United States. Here the land is flat, and the wind always blows.…
Ministry Training Education Journey

Ministry Training Education Journey

Ministry Training Education Journey to CLI Hello, my name is Peter Deneke, and here is my ministry training education journey to CLI. And I am from Johannesburg, South Africa. I am single at the moment, but I would like to meet a godly woman.…
Online Bible College for Free

Online Bible College for Free

Online Bible College for Free at CLI Greetings from a young leader in Lesotho attending online Bible College for free at CLI! God is good all the time, and all the time, God is good! My name is Neo Moeti, and I come from a small country called…