Congratulations, you submitted your story

Your story will serve as motivation and encouragement to your brothers and sisters in Christ. You can read some of the more recent stories from other students in your class below.

Free Ministry Training

Ministry Training - Online Students Meet In Person

Christian Leaders Institute began offering advanced ministry training in 2006. Since that time thousands of Christians have been signing up for free ministry training. I am amazed at how many new students sign up every hour for ministry training.…
Free Ministry Training

Bible College - Gibson Lubasi Kalenga of Zambia

Bible College - Gibson of Zambia accepted the asked Jesus into his life at a young age. He wants to more then just be a believer, he wants to be a teacher for a  local Bible College. He shares about his experience at Christian Leaders…
Free Ministry Training

Christopher Bryant

Hello, My name is Christopher Bryant, I currently am a musician at the House of God Church in Cleveland, OH. I was born and raised in Cleveland. I am the last of 9 Children. and most of my family is in some type of Ministry. I am currently…
Free Ministry Training

Mission India -Vinay Shivtare

Mission India - Mr Vinay Shivtare is age 40 years and lives in a small town in Virar which is in Maharashtra state. Mission India is done in a largely a Hindu country and people follow Hinduism as their religion and believe in idol worship.…
Free Ministry Training

Walk with God - Emmanuel Owolabi of Spain

Walk with God - Emmanuel is training to be an evangelist. He knows a strong walk with God is the foundation of a good ministry. He shares his journey with us. "Glory be to God almighty our heavenly father, may him alone be praised, worshiped…
Free Ministry Training

Prison Ministry - Rob Kerley of USA

Prison Ministry - God has laid a desire in the heart of Rob to be involved in Prison Ministry. He is grateful for the religious freedoms of the USA, but he feels most call to make an impact through Prison Ministry. Rob shares his passion…
Free Ministry Training

Matt Ousley

My name is Matt Ousley and I currently live in Jefferson City, MO in the United States. If you are looking at a map of the U.S., just look at the middle, you will find it there! Living in a "Christian heavy" community makes me appreciate…
Free Ministry Training

Bob Russell

My name is Bob Russell; it is with sincere gratitude that I write this letter, I was born and live in the Unites States of America. How is it to minister in my own country, sometimes very frustrating? There is without question; Christian…
Free Ministry Training

Evangelism - Peter Gichia of Kenya

Evangelism - Peter Gichia of Kenya is a student at CLI who feels God's call to be involved in evangelism. He shares about his close call with the law that led him to study and practice evangelism. "My name is Peter Gichia a kenyan…
Free Ministry Training

Free Online Seminary - Lawrence Gaytan of USA

Free Online Seminary - Lawrence Gaytan has lived a life filled with trials. He finally turned his life around and decided to educate himself for the lord through this free Online Seminary. He shares some of the specific trials he has faced…
Free Ministry Training

Preach the Gospel - Mark Culpepper of USA

Preach the Gospel - Mark Culpepper is using his training from Christian Leaders Institue to go out and Preach the Gospel. Read about his passion for the Lord. "I live in the United States and to Preach the Gospel  in this country is…
Free Ministry Training

Chaplain Training - Frank Fablo of USA

Chaplain Training - Frank Fablo wants to get his Chaplain Training from Christian Leaders Institute. Read about his story and journey below. "I live in the United States of America.  I currently reside in Ocala, Florida.  It's exciting…