Congratulations, you submitted your story

Your story will serve as motivation and encouragement to your brothers and sisters in Christ. You can read some of the more recent stories from other students in your class below.

Trusting God in the Tough Times

In the book of the Bible we call Daniel, in the third chapter, we have an intriguing passage. The great King Nebuchadnezzar had set up a big statue of himself. Then he gathered all his royl bureaucrats to the capital city. Once they had arrived,…

The Remedy For Weariness: To Wait?

In one of the memorable passages of the Bible, the prophet Isaiah says that weary people can find new strength for living when they wait for the Lord. He writes, “…they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up…

Who are You People to Say You Speak on God's Behalf?

What it is about Christian people who enter ministry- whether it be full-time or part-time bi-vocational pastors? What makes them think that they can speak for the Lord Most High? What gives them the courage to stand in front of others and say,…
reaching the next generation

Culture or Christ? Reaching the Next Generation for Him

There has seldom been a time in the United States when reaching the next generation for Christ was more difficult and less acceptable. We are at a point where we can no longer choose culture and Christ. We must often make the choice: culture…

Mentoring Young People in Philadelphia

Mentorship often seems to be a lost art. We send our youth to school, to church, and to various programs so they can be taught everything they need to know. With the advent of the internet, there is more information available faster today than…

Free Bible School Training Transforms Pastor

Thomas Bush pushed the church away as a young man because he was too much in love with the ways of the flesh. For a long time he wanted nothing to do with the church, but a remarkable change in his life put him on a quest for free bible school…

Preaching the Truth in The Face of Adversity

A long time ago, a great church leader warned his mentee about false prophets in the church. He said that people would come preaching a gospel other than the one Christ preached. He said people would be attracted to the prospect of receiving…
Tony Wetmore

CLI Student Sparks Revival in California

Tony Wetmore came to Christian Leaders Institute with a vision. He wanted to start a revival in California, his home state. He saw that there is a great need for Jesus right here in the U.S., and he had a calling to do something about it. Here…

How Preaching Comes Alive For Your Audience

The core of today's pastoral duties, at least in the mind of congregations, is the ability to deliver a great message on Sunday morning (and sometimes Sunday evening). Anybody, with enough time to study and prepare, can open up a Bible, choose…
Revival Starts With One

Revival Starts with One and Begins in the Heart

Revival. This is such a strong word in the Christian community. People think of revival and they think of Billy Graham. They think of Billy Sunday. Of Jonathan Edwards, George Whitefield. The list goes on, but everyone has some name of the past…
In-Depth Ministry Training

In-depth Ministry Training - "Get a Grip Elijah!"

The need for ministry leaders has never been so pressing. It seems like there are too few Christian leaders. Sometimes we leaders can identify with Elijah in the Bible. He found out that there were 7000 in prophets in Israel that had not bowed…

Mother Teresa to the Muslim World

Mother Teresa lived from 1910 until 1997. She dedicated her life to blessing the poorest of poor and even creating an organization of women warriors who still passionately love the unlovable. Mother Teresa once said,  “Keep the joy of…