Congratulations, you submitted your story

Your story will serve as motivation and encouragement to your brothers and sisters in Christ. You can read some of the more recent stories from other students in your class below.

Become a Chaplain

Online Prison Ministry Training - Erinn is Called to Share the Gospel in Prisons

Online Prison Ministry Training After someone is incarcerated, they lose many things. They lose the ability to gain the high paying jobs. They lose relationships. They lose their reputation and opportunities. But though they may lose much,…
Online Bible Courses Offer Free Certificates

From Healing to Ministry -Tracey Mixon of the United States

From Healing to Ministry My name is Tracey Mixon and I’ve recently moved to a small town south of Houston, TX named Webster. I am married with 3 children, 2 step-children, 2 grandchildren and a dog. I am currently a registered nurse and I…

Graduate Corinne Benefield - Planted a House Church

Planted a House Church Blessings and Shalom - My name is Corinne Benefield currently living in America, in the state of Tennessee; which isn't my birth place of Massachusetts. The two states are so different in many ways and quite different…

Online Ministry Training Helps David Pearce A Trucker For Christ

Trucker for Christ Most times when you think about online ministry training, you think internet connections at a home or internet cafe.  This trucker for Christ, David Pearce, and his wife study online while traveling place to place.  He…

Training for Ministry In Kenya - John Ndirangu Mwangi

Training For Ministry  My name is John Ndirangu Mwangi. I was born 52 years ago in the central region of Kenya. In my early days, primary education in Kenya's rural  areas was free. The Catholic Church had partnered with the government in…

High School Drop Out To Spread The Word of God

Canada Graduates Spreading the Word of God My name is Keith D Millership, I am a Canadian currently living in New Brunswick, Canada.  Before God got a hold of me I was a drug dealer, a person who did not have anything.  I had a child at…
Online Bible School

Renewal of Christianity in South Africa - Renier Le Grange is Called

Renewal of Christianity in South Africa South Africa is a place of amazing contrasts. There is wealth. There is poverty. There are some who have a vital faith in Christ but most have a form of godliness with little power and a nonexistent walk…

Evangelist Training in Spain - Lucian D Constantin is Getting Ready

Evangelist Training in Spain Spain is ripe for Christian Revival. Wikipedia  "Most Spaniards do not participate regularly in religious worship."   Evangelicals would say that Spain is too steeped in nominal Christianity and secularism to…

Evangelist Training - Derek J Backhouse Studies to Reach Northern Ireland

 Evangelist Training Are called to be an evangelist? Do you need evangelist training? Does that evangelist training need to free? Christian Leaders Institute offers over 20 classes that prepare you for your calling. My name is Derek J Backhouse,…


I am originally from New York and I now live in Baltimore Maryland I have lived here in Baltimore for the last six years. Being that I am in the U.S. I am free to exorcise my faith openly. Ministry is my passion, I love talking to people…

Free from the darkness by the power of Christ. Wilmer Rodriguez

Hello Everyone! I bless you in the name of Jesus Christ. My name is Wilmer Rodriguez (38) years old now and I live in Caracas capital of Venezuela in the north of South America. This is the place of my birth. I am the first of four children.…