Congratulations, you submitted your story

Your story will serve as motivation and encouragement to your brothers and sisters in Christ. You can read some of the more recent stories from other students in your class below.

Ministry Training Free Online Can Help You Achieve Your Calling

Free Ministry Training At CLI Helps Bud Welton Follow his calling... My name is Bud Welton, and I live in the United States. I was born in the Midwestern United States where my parents attended a Christian College. My wife and 2 children…

Train for the Ministry - Blind Man has Vision for Christian Leaderhip

Train for the Ministry Hello and thank you for taking the time to read my story. I am Michael Tutt and I am 55 years old and currently living in Dacula, a small city about 50 Km North East of Atlanta, Georgia in the United States. I was born…

Getting Proper Ministry Training - Donna Hosea Liles is Taking Her Next Step

Donna Hosea Liles, Texas, USA Enjoys Proper Ministry Training I was born in 1965 in the state of Texas in a town where Christian Ministry is welcomed by a large majority; however there are those who oppose it and try to discourage it. There…

From Arduous Trials to Triumph

This minister is studying at Christian Leaders Institute to add to her education. Patricia A. Harris started a non-profit ministry years ago and is now using Christian Leaders Institute to help her further pursue her dreams… My Personal…

A young Christian from Guatemala

I was born and raised in Livingston Izabal, Guatemala. At the age of 19 I was converted to Christianity. Before then I had believed in Jesus through the teachings of the catholic church, but I had never experienced a personal relationship with…
worship pastor

Worship Pastor - Ryan Hopkins of Thornton, CO, USA

Worship Pastor in Thornton, Colorado  Advances His Walk By Learning At Christian Leaders Institute. My name is Ryan Hopkins, a 34 year old husband, father of 4 (and 2 dogs), and lover of Christ. I'm a worship pastor at a church in Thornton,…
Weekly Bible Study

Weekly Bible Study Training Is Sought At Christian Leaders Institute Graduate

Weekly Bible Study Training Christian Leaders Institute is training leaders to do well at leading a weekly Bible study. This is often the seeds of church planting. A worship service is a more involved weekly Bible Study sort of. God is raising…

Getting Ministry Training -Offering Hope To Those in Despair

Southern California Man Pursues Lifelong Calling To Ministry Ministry training is greatly needed and God has called everyone to become Ministers and Christian leaders. These called Christians come from all over the world and many are finding…

An Online Bible School for Outreach Ministries Leaders

Outreach Ministries Hi my name is Anthony and I live in the United States. Here we have the freedom to choose what religion we will follow though Christianity appears to be the most visible religion in this country. As I recall, I came to…

Daniel of the US Receives Christian Basics Certificate

My name is Daniel, I was born in 1979 in South Carolina. In 1998 I joined the military and spent ten years in Virginia with many deployments to overseas locations. Like many people in the south, I grew up in a baptist/non-denominational local…

Philippine Man Learns Christian Faith At Christian Leaders Institute

Christian Leaders Institute Offers Free Courses In The Philippines. Greetings! May the mercy and grace of the Almighty be on us forever. My name is Tito Lim. I reside in the southern part of the Philippines. Our country is a supporter of a…

Ministry Training for Romania -Teisanu Gabriel Petrica Graduates

Ministry Training for Romania Christian Leaders Institute offers ministry training for Romanians who speak English, and many of them do. This country is a hot spot for revival right now. The pentecostal and Baptist faiths are spreading quickly…