Congratulations, you submitted your story

Your story will serve as motivation and encouragement to your brothers and sisters in Christ. You can read some of the more recent stories from other students in your class below.

Called To Service with Jesus -Jamie Marks

Called to service this Pennsylvania man escaped a life of panic, anxiety and addiction. Delivered by Jesus, Christian Leaders Institute student Jamie Marks tells us his inspiring testimony. ******* I am Jamie Marks, a servant of Christ Jesus,…

Pursue Ministry Training In Zimbabwe Like Patience Nziradzemhuka

  Born in Zimbabwe This Man Follows Dreams to Pursue Ministry Training and Becoming a Pastor. He wants to teach the Bible and teach Faith in Christ to college level, high school and younger students. Many areas of South Africa experience…
free international online bible school

Free International Online Bible School - The Mission of CLI

If you're feeling called to be a pastor, there are thousands of voices around the world clamoring for your attention and your wallet. But what if you could attend a free international online bible school? What if the internet could bring everything…
Accrediting Organizations

Accrediting Organizations and Accreditation - What's the Big Deal?

For a long time Christian Leaders Institute was not affiliated with any accrediting organizations. Because of the nature of the mission of CLI, the expenses involved in traditional accreditation were just not feasible for this ministry. However,…
Training For Ministry

Training For Ministry is Possible for Kenyan Man

Training for Ministry Is Possible For Kenyan Man Christian Endurance- Our location does not define who we are in Christ. Only our heart, soul, and mind define the location of our walk with Jesus Christ. Many Christians face persecution and…
Called by God

Called by God to be a Minister of the Gospel

Men and women have been called by God to various roles for as long as mankind has existed. Noah was called to build an ark so that humans could survive a global flood. Abraham was called by God to leave his homeland and his kindred for a new…

Missouri Grandmother to Study be Ordained

This Missouri Grandmother Studies to Be Ordained to Officiate a Niece’s Wedding. Ellouise decided to study for Ordainment free with Christian Leaders Institute so she could officiate her nieces wedding. She has pressed toward God through…
Bible Training School

Starting a Bible Training School - Callie Mae Broughton's Dream

Bible Training School Graduates of any level at Christian Leaders Institute (CLI) are encouraged to start Bible Training School in their own church or area. This Bible training school could have only 1 enrollee or hundreds. At Christian Leaders…
Online Bible Studies

Cathleen Barrows Receives Online Bible Studies Free

Online Bible Studies Online Bible studies may be your only option to get the ministry training you need. We have found that true for thousands of students who have enrolled at Christian Leaders Institute. Can you imagine a life where you were…

Beauty for Ashes - God Renews and Calls Woman

  Greetings from North West Georgia, a beautiful Southern State, full of God’s grace, with luscious water falls, great mountains, and a place to worship on nearly every corner! My name is Laura and I am a faithful believer in Jesus…

Online Bible School For Zambia - Meet Graduate Max Chisaka

Online Bible School for Zambia Christian Leaders Institute is an Online Bible School for Zambia. The Internet allow CLI to beam classes to students in a place like Zambia where ministry training is really needed. Meet Max Chisaka of Zambia: My…

Nigerian Man Called to Minister Gets Free Online Training

  Christian Leaders Institute even brings quality free online ministry training to residents in destitute Nigerian areas. Emmanuel Odok is grateful for finding CLI and the free Bible based courses offered. The following is his story that ultimately…