Congratulations, you submitted your story
Your story will serve as motivation and encouragement to your brothers and sisters in Christ. You can read some of the more recent stories from other students in your class below.

Pastoral Leadership Training For Free And Online
Ministry SchoolPastoral Leadership Training A Necessity For The Youth
Through the juvenile court system, the United States incarcerates more of its youth than any other country in the world. In 2002, approximately 126,000 juveniles were incarcerated in youth…

Seminary Debt Doesn't Pay, Graduates are Discovering
Bible School InterestIt's a given today. If you want to be a pastor, you need to go to seminary. Don't worry about the tens of thousands of dollars of seminary debt you'll pick up along the way. All you need is one of those upper middle class pastoral positions and…

Free Online Ministry Training Needed Across The World
Ministry SchoolFree Online Ministry Training with Christian Leaders Institute
Christian Leaders Institute provides all the tools necessary to equip those called by God to become a pastor, a minister, church planter, missionary, evangelist. Whatever ministry…

Free Ministry Training in Ghana
GhanaFree Ministry Training in Ghana
Christian Leaders Institute offers free ministry training in Ghana online. This free ministry training in Ghana begins when someone enrolls in the getting started class at Christian Leaders Institute. Once finished…

Obedience To God In Our Calling
Ministry SchoolObedience To God Isn't Always Easy
Jonah can be known as the reluctant missionary. He was disobedient, selfish, and sinful. He was totally prejudiced and found many times without faith; and yet God saw fit to use him. Now that gives great…

Jim Pounder, Of The Little Church - Christian Leaders Basics Graduate
ChinaThe Little Church Is Led By CLI Student Jim Pounder
The Little Church World seeks to help small groups of Christians worship God and have church anywhere in the world in small groups. This is especially relevant in places where the public meeting…

Bible College Free Online - Not Too Old For the Lord's great work!
Ministry SchoolBible College Free Online - Not Too Old For the Lord's great work!
A Bible college free online is available for a large segment of the Christian population that senses the calling into ministry. Christian Leaders Institute is a Bible College…

Free Online Seminary in the United States -Radical Operative for Jesus
America (United States)Free Online Seminary in United States
Free Online Seminary in the United States - My name is Dr. Carl Fabrizio, Jr., and I'm a Clinical Psychologist and retired US Air Force Reserve officer. I had the unique privilege to serve 30 years in the…

Free Bible College Online - Passionate Pursuit of the Call of Christ
Ministry SchoolFree Bible College Online -
Passionate Pursuit of the Call of Christ
My name is Patrina and I am so excited to be a part of this free Bible College online. I believe this free Bible College online is making a huge difference and impact on…

Few Christians In Town – Nathan Parrot May Plant Colorado Church
Ministry School**EDITED**
Few Christians that attend church regularly and practice Christian family life live in this man’s town.
Nathan has decided to learn to be a pastor at Christian Leaders Institute.
Even though his past is shaky he has overcome…

Ministry Passion - The Next Step for Christine Bierma
Ministry SchoolMinistry Passion - The Next Step for Christine Bierma
My name is Christine Bierma and I live in New Lenox, Illinois, USA. I have known Jesus for as long as I can remember, and I am so thankful to have been raised by believing Christian parents.…

Learning to Counsel - Kimberly Rosso from United States of America
Ministry SchoolMy name is Kimberly Rosso. I’ve been married to my husband Mike for 20 years. We have two wonderful sons, Matthew and Tyler, and a precious daughter-in-law, Stacie. I was born in New York State, USA. We did, however, recently relocate almost…