Congratulations, you submitted your story

Your story will serve as motivation and encouragement to your brothers and sisters in Christ. You can read some of the more recent stories from other students in your class below.

South African free bible school
Internet Bible college

Internet Bible College- Using the Internet to Share the Gospel

Internet Bible College Is Used By Many Of All Ages For God, there is no such thing as too young or too old to preach the Good News He has entrusted in us. With an Internet Bible college like Christian Leaders Institute, now many can be equipped…
online bible school

Online Bible School For American Students

Why We Believe In Providing A Free Online Bible School Are you searching for an online bible school? While some organizations in the past have tried to maintain western cultural control in the areas that they visit, Christian Leaders Institute…
ministry schooling

Ministry Schooling- Even For The Ones God Never Gave Up On

Blessed is he who comes in the name of the LORD. From the house of the LORD we bless you. Christians Seek Out Ministry Schooling Like CLI Why receive your ministry schooling with Christian Leaders Institute? It's free and all courses can…

Minister Training- For The Youth And Beyond

Being A Minister In Today's Church Regardless of age, we can speak up for the Lord and speak out to others for God. Our Father does not see us by our physical age, but by our spiritual maturity. For the love of Jesus, we minister to others…
online training

Online Training To Achieve Ministry Ordination

Online Training For Ministry In Cameroon Better For Most Christianity is flourishing in Cameroon and many have accepted God’s call to pastor churches, despite a lack of training and often being new believers themselves. There are the challenges…
called into ministry

Called Into Ministry For God's Glory

"And He said to them, 'Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.' "    -Mark 16:15 Called Into Ministry To Be A Leader Though all Christians are called to serve the cause of Christ, God calls certain persons to serve…
ministry training

Ministry Training For God's Ministry

Ministry Training For The Called By God Some of us are blessed being raised in a home where God is welcome. Others were not so fortunate. God calls those close to Him, those who know Him, those who surrender their life to be a vessel for Him.…

CLI Welcomes Professors Wayne Brouwer and Ray Vander Laan

Christian Leaders Institute is always looking for ways to add to the resources we already offer our students. In keeping with our high standards of quality, we were recently blessed with two new professors who agreed to do classes for us here.…
become a minister

Become A Minister To Advance God's Kingdom

Become a Minister to Lead Today's Broken World From men to women and unfortunately down to the smallest pair of feet belonging to children, we live in a world where brokenness could describe many. We cry out to God to take our pain, take our…
free bible school

Free Bible School For The Free In Christ

 "Out of my distress I called on the Lord; the Lord answered me and set me free."    -Psalm 118:5 Free Bible School for the Free in Christ A free bible school seems to be highly needed for a world where roughly 3 billion people live in…
pastoral ministry training

Pastoral Ministry Training Can Be Achieved For Free

Receive Pastoral Ministry Training To Impact The World It doesn't take research to analyze the world in where it stands today with God. It's quite easy to see how we are living in a fallen world. Because of our God-given free will, we have…