Congratulations, you submitted your story

Your story will serve as motivation and encouragement to your brothers and sisters in Christ. You can read some of the more recent stories from other students in your class below.

free ministry school

Free Ministry School With Christian Leaders Institute

FREE MINISTRY SCHOOL WITH CLI Enroll Today! FREE MINISTRY SCHOOL WITH CLI Enroll Today! FREE MINISTRY SCHOOL WITH CLI Is a free ministry school possible? Nothing is without cost! Someone…
christian leadership education

Christian Leadership Education- A Student's Spiritual Journey

"Receiving a christian leadership education training from CLI is considered a great blessing. Being a father of two in this economy is not easy, it can sometimes be very hard. But being able to receive this type of knowledge without a price…
ministry classes

Ministry Classes For Living Out Our Spiritual Dream

"I know that God has led me to CLI's ministry classes to increase my understanding and to also mentor one of our members who is participating in the online ministry classes. I believe God will use the ministry classes at CLI to help me grow…
online ministry school

Online Ministry School - Christian Leaders Basic Graduate

"I did not know where to start until I was directed to the Christian Leaders Institute's online ministry school through a Google search. I instantly knew I was where I needed to be to teach me the skills to minister to others. My goal is to…

Ministerial Training With CLI- Pastor John's Story

"I thank God for Christian Leaders Institute.  The ministerial guidance I have received so far is unlike anything I have been able to find in over ten years of full time ministry.  I trust by the good providence of the Lord and the able leadership…
hospice ministry training

Hospice Ministry Training- Helping Those Who Are In Need

"Deep down I knew that this was not my path. I have always loved to help those that need it the most. From teaching to preaching to those that are in need. Those that are lost. I feel that I am being led to take Hospice Ministry training. A…
christian leaders institute training

Christian Leaders Institute Training In Ministry

"I was so excited to find Christian Leaders Institute training. Actually I was lead to it by the Holy Spirit. It's the only possible way that I can receive the training I need to do His work. I am so grateful to Christian Leaders Institute training…
free internet bible school

Free Internet Bible School In Zambia Through CLI

"The dream to start a training school was planted in me at the time of my conversion. Almost immediately after I was born again I had an inner vision of some kind of college and I was teaching there. Since that time I have been teaching in many…

Pastoral Training To Shepherd The Chosen And The Lost

"My job is very much pastoral: shepherding guys basically the same age as me, and calling them to Holiness. I have been spurred on lately by Matthew 5:6 “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.”…
online ministry course

Online Ministry Course To Set A Part The Called And Chosen

 "My Pastor, as good a friend as he is, does not know all my story, he does know about my calling. I did my best to explain it to him. He knows I am doing an online ministry course, but does not know the extent of it yet, but he soon will.…
cli ministry training

CLI Ministry Training Is Available For Free Around The World

It has been my cry for so long to study the Word of God so that I may be able to “rightly divide the Word of truth,” that I may be able to lead well the flock which the Lord has entrusted to me. But because of the financial challenges, I…
christian leading

Christian Leading & Calling: Reaching The Youth & The Love For Music

Christian Leading, Calling, Gifts To Fulfill Our Individual Purpose "When I turned 15, God had instilled in my life another passion. God began molding me to become, well who I am today. As much as I love music, I love ministering through my…