Congratulations, you submitted your story
Your story will serve as motivation and encouragement to your brothers and sisters in Christ. You can read some of the more recent stories from other students in your class below.

God's Hand in MY Life - Training for Ministry in Florida
Ministry SchoolMy name is Crystal Anlage. I currently reside in the United States, where we are free to worship in any manner we choose. For that, I am forever grateful! I can openly share my faith, share the word of God, and bring others to faith, by sharing…

Alive to Declare His Works! - Mother Studies for Ministry
Ministry SchoolShari Kasten
Christian Leaders Institute
I was born dead on January 21, 1974, after coming out feet first. A Christian nurse on duty ran in the hall to beg my dad, who was waiting in the hall, to pray while she attempted to resuscitate…

Retiree Seeks Discipleship - Bible Training for Any Age
Ministry SchoolAbout the age of 12 I came to know Christ as the one who loved me and gave himself for me. I made a commitment publicly- making the words of this hymn my own:
“Just as I am without one plea,
but that thy blood was shed for me
And that…

Dream Come True - CLI Online Training
Ministry SchoolPastor Desire Pasipanodya
Harare, Zimbabwe
Greetings to you all in the wonderful, mighty name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, the soon coming King of Kings and Lord of Lords. I am very much elated to testify of the so many benefits…

World Changer - Congo Ministry
Ministry SchoolMy name is Pastor Kapinga Dieudonné Mushagalusa, Ordained as a Pastor at HIPEC (Holy International Pentecostal Church in Kampala/Uganda) since August, 2nd, 2008. I'm married to Mwamini Solange Kapinga. Ordained as Senior Pastor at Holy International…

From the World to the Word - Ministry Training in Bermuda
Ministry SchoolHi, my name is Jahkia, born and raised in the Island of Bermuda and at the age of thirty-two I’m a proud mother of a nine year old son. I am an energetic, analytical individual and I love reading, swimming, networking, and helping others.…

Lost but Found - Ministry Training in New Mexico
America (United States)My name is Kenneth Palmer and I have a beautiful wife and 2 boy's, ages 9 and 17. We live in the Four Corners region in New Mexico, U.S. We have moved several times due to my job as a pipe welder and welding inspector. We attend Cross Roads…

From Prisoner to Preacher - South Carolina Ministry Training
America (United States)My name is Tiffany Spurgeon. I am a resident and citizen of the United States of America. I found the LORD in the midst of my mess. GOD allowed some drastic things to grab my attention and I surrendered to Him while in prison in 2007. I accepted…

Readying Myself to Teach - Ministry Training in Canada
Canada“Bless the Lord, oh my soul, and all that is within me, bless His Holy Name.”
Psalms 103:1
My name is Laurie, and I live with my husband on the west coast of the vast country of Canada. I am blessed to be surrounded by the beauty of…

Stewards of Creation - Ministry Training Available to Everyone
America (United States)I'm currently living in the United States, in the state of Maine. In general, doing ministry in the USA is challenging. Where there isn't currently the threat of persecution to the same degree it is in other countries, there are many opponents…

Defender of the Weak - Ministry in Uganda
Ministry SchoolMy name is Joshua Makawa. I come from a country whose religious history and the church are darkened by Idi Amin’s tyrant regime against the gospel. Amin ruled Uganda between 1971-1979. When I read from the history of Uganda’s religion,…

Formal Bible Training - A Pastor Shares her Story
America (United States)Formal Bible Training is needed desperately in this world!
"62% of the world's pastors have no Formal Bible Training and will probably never get any formal training from Bible school. A lot of these pastors have less than a 6th-grade education"-…