Congratulations, you submitted your story

Your story will serve as motivation and encouragement to your brothers and sisters in Christ. You can read some of the more recent stories from other students in your class below.

Ministry Training in Qatar

My name is Julie, an Indian citizen female, aged 35, born and brought up in the Middle East. I did my schooling in the Middle East Indian School and further moved to India for my higher studies (finished my Bachelor’s degree program in Speech…

Reaching Ghana

My name is Evans. I was born 1982 in Ghana to my Ghanaian born parents. I completed my senior secondary education (now senior high) in Business Studies in the year 2001 and went further to complete a bachelor of science in Business administration…

Sari Tjokro of Australia

My name is Sari Tjokro and I was born in Indonesia, but now I live in Melbourne, Australia. I came to Australia in late 2007 as an English student and Australia has been my home since then. I completed my Bachelor of Computer Science and Software…

God's will, not mine.

I was born in the United States of America. I attended church with my praying, loving father each and every sunday. I have seen how the talents of one person or many can be a great thing to use in the house of GOD. God gave us our talents to…

God uses even the broken

My name is Amanda and I live in Killeen, Texas. I am 26 and a mother of 4. I have lived a troubled life. Battled physical and mental abuse and mental illness. I was broken. I thought God had abandoned me a long time ago. And then I had my children.…

A Changed Life, an Answered Prayer

Grace and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Savior!My name is Jose Benzon Sanchez, a Filipino, 49 years old and a father of five children. I have three boys and two girls, with two grandsons and a granddaughter. My wife and I and…

The World Class Ministry Training - Cameroon Church Planter

Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. My name is Robert Biyena and I live in Cameroon, in the town of Douala. I am the sixth of seven children. I blessed the Lord greatly for the freedom we have in our country here to share the Gospel.…

I See the Need Ministry - Reaching out to Neglected Children

My name is Sandra Ewen; I work as a school clinic nurse. My life is a living testimony has to what God can do. I’ve always believed in the Lord but it was one day while I was seated in New York and I was lamenting to a friend over the phone…

From Polygamous Muslim to Preaching for Christ

I am Glory Adeola from Nigeria. I am married with children. I am the senior pastor of Living Manna Ministries Int'l and by His grace I am a Christian writer and author. I was born to a polygamous Muslim family in 1974. I grew up as a devoted…

A Planted Seed

My name is La'Nay and I live in the Orlando, FL (United States). I have lived here for 8 yrs now. I am a wife of 17 yrs and a mother of 2 beautiful teenagers. My parents are both planters and officer's in their church. As I live day to day I…

My own "Prodigal Son" Journey

1. Please share with us the country you are currently living in and what it is like to do ministry in this country. Hi, I'm Janey, I live in England, in the UK. Doing ministry here is changing a lot. People are less and less likely to identify…

Selling out for Jesus

I'm currently living in sunny Vallejo, Ca. I came to know the Lord at a very young age. I was about 8 yrs old when I accepted Christ as my Lord and Savior. I have been through many trials in which God has held my hand. Sometimes when I didn't…