Congratulations, you submitted your story
Your story will serve as motivation and encouragement to your brothers and sisters in Christ. You can read some of the more recent stories from other students in your class below.

Never Without God
America (United States)Bless day, my name is Robert B. Harrington and I currently live in Beaver, West Virginia which is located in the United States. To do ministry in this country is probably easier than in most other countries. With so much freedom in our daily…

Julio Ruiz - Ordination
Ministry SchoolMy Name is Julio Cesar Ruiz; the Lord has blessed me with a wife and our six children. Currently we reside in the United States, in the state of Illinois about 53 miles south from Chicago in a small town call Sun River Terrace. There are a lot…

ed Gil D Paiz, USA
Ministry SchoolMy name is Gil Paiz, I am 28 years old, husband of a beautiful and amazing woman, father of a very energetic and special little boy named Isaac, and son of a Christian church pastor, now a missionary in Honduras. I lived my childhood and part…

An Unexpected Journey - Ministering to India
Ministry SchoolMy name is D. Zoe Young. I am currently living in India and doing bi-vocational ministry through teaching and reaching out to a local village and tribal area. Previous to this, I was in Turkey and had the opportunity to share a "first Bible…

Trusting God in Texas Ministry Training
America (United States)Ed Butler, Royse City, TX
My name is Ed Butler. I was born in Berwyn, Illinois in 1961. I was raised in the Joliet, Illinois area. My parents were not Christians when I was born but started attending a church in Hickory Hills Illinois shortly…

Clergy Ordination - Officiant
Ministry SchoolClergy Ordination - Officiant
Christian Leaders Institute offers ministry training for graduates so that they may obtain ordination for ministry. This clergy ordination is unlike most internet ordinations. Most internet clergy ordination certificates…

Ondrea Sanders - Minister to the Abused
Ministry SchoolHello, my name is Ondrea Sanders. I live in the United States, and am an ordained Pastor. It is very difficult pastoring in the United States. I say that because in this country, everything is acceptable, and when you as a man or woman of God…

Cancer Survivor Dedicates Herself to Ministry Training
Ministry SchoolMy name is Cynthia Jones. I’m married with one daughter, a granddaughter, and a grandson. My husband and I live in a small community in South Carolina. We visit Costa Rica twice each year where my husband receives part of his cardiac care.

Online Ministry Training in Ghana
GhanaMy name is Nana Kweku Bennie, born in the year 1981 and I live in Ghana; the country of my birth, and currently residing in a town called Asankrangwa in the Western Region. Fortunately for me, I was born into a Christian home. My parents were…

Walking the Path
Ministry SchoolMy name is Pat VanderKolk and I live in the United States
I was born and raised in West Michigan and have continued to live in the same small town my entire life. While growing up my family attended church regularly but it was not until after…

Christian Leaders Education
America (United States)My name is Rameeka Saunders, I live in North Carolina, USA. Three years ago I relocated here because I knew that God had something greater for me in North Carolina.
I was born into a Bible believing family and since infancy, was raised in…

Ministry Training in South Carolina
America (United States)I was called into ministry at the young age of 17. A few years later I became a youth pastor and was leader for a youth drama. I was so sure that I was unworthy of the calling God had placed on my life.
At 27 years of age I turned my back…