Congratulations, you submitted your story

Your story will serve as motivation and encouragement to your brothers and sisters in Christ. You can read some of the more recent stories from other students in your class below.

Called to Minister

I am Olof de Kock. I’m from Hermanus in South Africa. Although I grew up in a Christian home, I never knew the Lord. I went to church, but the Bible was just letters written on paper with no meaning what so ever to me. Friends of mine started…
Pastoral Ministry Ordination

Pastoral Ministry Ordination - Dreams Can Come True

Pastoral Ministry Ordination Kelli Elizabeth Vance from Calgary, Alberta, Canada is taking a step in her calling. Pastoral Ministry Ordination is being conferred on her through Christian Leaders Institute by her local church leaders. Pastoral…
communicate the gospel

Communicate the Gospel - A Ministry Calling to An Unlikely Woman

Communicate the Gospel by Henry Reyenga I want to communicate the gospel to everyone. I want to raise up leaders who communicate the gospel in their communities. Christian Leaders Institute has met new Christian leaders in over 158 countries.…

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Youth Evangelist

Youth Evangelist - From Despair to Impact!

Youth Evangelist What experiences make someone interested in being a youth evangelist in today's world? Christian Leaders Institute meets individuals like Nijea Nicole Rich who are called. Here is her journey toward being a youth evangelist…
Gospel Evangelists

Kimberly the Evangelist

Gospel Evangelists I am excited about raising up a new generation of gospel evangelists who walk with God, are called to ministry and are well trained at Christian Leaders Institute. Gospel evangelists are not afraid of sharing Christ motivated…