Congratulations, you submitted your story

Your story will serve as motivation and encouragement to your brothers and sisters in Christ. You can read some of the more recent stories from other students in your class below.

Youth Revival in Nigeria through Homes and Orphanages

God is calling leaders to start a youth revival in Nigeria! We're blessed to live in a time when God is calling revival leaders throughout the world to various ministries and ministry positions. In many countries, there is a special focus…
called revival leaders

Called Revival Leaders in Nigeria - Christian Onyiagha's Story

God is raising up called revival leaders all over the world. Christian Onyiagha is one such leader. As a pastor in Nigeria, Christian feels the call to spread the good news of Jesus throughout Nigeria, Sierra Leone, and Liberia. As with most…

Helping Orphans in the Name of Jesus

In his epistle to the early church, the apostle James speaks of the importance of helping orphans "in their affliction." This phrase, "in their affliction," acknowledges the pain that orphans experience in living without their mother and father.…
profound grace

Profound Grace Through Profound Pain

Pain is something that we all experience. some learn and grow through it. Some let it define them. Others, like Melissa Vanmeter, experience God's profound grace in the times when pain is most profound. Melissa's experience with God's profound…

The Miraculous Healing Power of Grace

God doesn't promise us that after we come to him life will be flowers and roses. Sometimes we experience trouble... pain.... even brokenness. But it is in the brokenness that we can truly experience the healing power of grace. Paula Furfaro…
preaching christ

Preaching Christ to the Homeless and Destitute

Preaching Christ to the destitute certainly isn't a dream job. They don't have much. If you pass a collection plate out, you might not have a penny in it when it gets back to you. And many of them are so jaded by life that they just can't believe…

Revival Needed in Puerto Rico

There is revival needed in Puerto Rico. In a place where poverty abounds, many of the citizens are losing their faith in the church - and in God. But God is faithful. He's calling people of all classes and ages to lead His revival. And in…
transform lives

The Power of God to Transform Lives for Revival

Only God has the power to transform lives. People have mastered the ability to mask and suppress, but only God can truly transform. Lives are changed when they encounter the power of Jesus Christ in a real, personal way. Jordan Dainty had…
mentoring leaders
mentoring leaders

Mentoring Leaders and Bringing Revival in Kenya

Even countries where the gospel has been preached for years can need revival. The enemy is never idle, but levels attacks at believers wherever they may be found. That's why we need people to be mentoring leaders in the church wherever they…