Congratulations, you submitted your story
Your story will serve as motivation and encouragement to your brothers and sisters in Christ. You can read some of the more recent stories from other students in your class below.

Christian Leaders Church – Event 8 - Spiritual Conversions of the Christian Leader
Bible School Interest
Never Too Late to Become a Pastor
Ministry SchoolNever Too Late to Become a Pastor
The fact is at CLI it is never too late to become a pastor with this training. Some people are called to ministry early in life with years ahead of them. They can go to a college focused on getting their degree…

"All Things Work Our for Good" Even Great Trials
CanadaMarisa D. Slusarcyk
Age 30
My name is Marisa, and I am a country girl born and raised in rural Canada. I am surrounded by a large group of people from different churches and have been blessed by all of them in many different ways.

Ministry Leader Finds Valuable Resource in Christian Leaders Institute
Ministry SchoolJavelin Tuivaiave is proof that you don't have to be a successful careerist in order to serve God as a ministry leader. Her current career as a stay-at-home mom is a great example of how you can be a ministry leader in your own home.
Javelin is…

Christian Leaders Church – Event 7 – New Community - How Jesus changed everything through the Holy Spirit
Bible School Interest
Teen Ministry Leader Finds Ministry Training at CLI
Ministry SchoolAshley Huffman is called to be a teen ministry leader. She relates especially well to teenagers, which can be difficult to do in today's world of Social Media, smart phones, and other distractions. But it is precisely these things that make…

California Revival Leaders Finding Quality Training at CLI
Ministry SchoolGod is at work in the state of California! Revival leaders like Donald Fontana are sending in stories every day, telling how God has called them. This generation of California revival leaders is reaching all ages and stations of life for Jesus.

Sipho Jele Called to Spread Revival in South Africa
Ministry SchoolSipho Jele was called by God to spread revival in South Africa. Some would say Christianity already prevails in South Africa, but Sipho Jele sees that Africa, much like the United States, is experiencing a time when God's presence is needed…

Ministry Training for Called Evangelists in Switzerland
Ministry SchoolCharlett Duerr and her husband were called to be evangelists after the Lord sent a friend who brought them to church. At the time, Charlett was experiencing a lot of pain and difficulty in her marriage.
Of course, they didn't expect to be…

California Revival Leader Challenges Nation's View of Miserable
Ministry SchoolGrant Hawes is a California revival leader currently doing the Lord's work in Stockton, California. What's interesting about Stockton? Well, according to Forbes Magazine, it's the most miserable place to live.
Hi, my name is Grant Hawes and…

Called to be a Youth Minister from a Young Age
Ministry SchoolIt's thrilling to see so many ministry calling stories from around the world. Ethan is the most recent person that has testified to how God has called him to be a youth minister for Him. Youth ministry is an important part of ministry because…