Congratulations, you submitted your story

Your story will serve as motivation and encouragement to your brothers and sisters in Christ. You can read some of the more recent stories from other students in your class below.

The Prodigal Christian

My Name is Eric; I live in Worcester, MA where I attend Next Level Church with my wife and three daughters. I grew up as a pastor’s kid in a non-denominational church in the north suburbs of Chicago. Truthfully, I was born with a silver spoon…
Lack of formal Bible education

Don't Let the Lack of Formal Bible Education Stop You

Don't Let the Lack of Formal Bible Education Stop You My name is Courtney Johnson. I live in the United States of America. I accepted Jesus Christ, as my Lord and Savior, in a small South Texas church when I was 12 years old and was baptized…
Online Ordination Training

Online Ordination Training - Worship Leader

Online Ordination Training My name is Tony Wetmore. I'm a believer and follower of Jesus Christ. I live in a small resort town in the mountains of Southern California, in the United States of America. Yet, within a two-hour commute from this…
Online Ministry Training Program

Online Ministry Training Program

Online Ministry Training Program I am Antwi Ofori Amanfo, and I was born and raised in Kumasi, Ghana, West Africa. I am married, and by the grace of God, I have had a two years old daughter with my lovely and beautiful wife. I studied BSc.…
Educated about God

Educated about God - CLI is perfect and free

Educated about God My name is Leslie and I live in the USA; I've never been in ministry so I am unsure how to tell you what it's like to do ministry in my country. There are usually churches in every county and city, though. I've known the…
Free St. Louis Ministry Training

Free St. Louis Ministry Training

Free St. Louis Ministry Training My name is Carl Meyer, I am a 45 year old husband, with 3 one son and two daughter's.My wife and I live in St.Louis Mo.I have been in the hospital of recent for ammonia.And now have Stiils disease.The result…
Obtaining an M.Div

Obtaining an M.Div - CLI can Help!

Obtaining an M.Div My name is William Bryan Davison. I was born and raised in Pensacola, Florida USA. I grew up attending McIllwain Memorial Presbyterian Church as a child. At the age of five, I was witnessed to by my mother, and knelt down…
Bachelor Of Divinity Opportunity

Bachelor Of Divinity Opportunity

Bachelor Of Divinity Opportunity My name is Georgianna Stryker, I am from the United States. I am 29 years old. I am an only child and my parents are separated but remain good friends. I did not grow up in a religious home. My mother believed…
Surprising Calling to Ministry

Surprising Calling to Ministry

Surprising Calling to Ministry Greetings in the name of Lord Jesus! My name is Leah DesLauries-Stollar from Washington, USA. I can honestly say I'm amazed at the way our Heavenly Father can take a mess of a person, and put them in a place…
Bible Study Courses Online

Bible Study Courses Online

Bible Study Courses Online Hello my name is Robert Crews. I am 39 years young, married to a wonderful woman, and a father of two daughters. I am a heavy lift operator for a container depot in Jacksonville Florida. I have gone to Church off…
Teach Children about God

I teach children about God - Julie Renne' Johnson

Teach Children about God Julie Renee' Johnston, United States of America I was born and raised in the United States of America where one might believe that ministry is easy and open. However, I have seen and heard so much negativity toward…
Disaster Relief Chaplain

Disaster Relief Chaplain Melissa Zietlow

Disaster Relief Chaplain I am a mother of four children, whom I educate at home in the United States. I am privileged to be free to practice my religion, teach my children my faith, and pursue ministry as a woman. Over twenty years ago,…