Congratulations, you submitted your story

Your story will serve as motivation and encouragement to your brothers and sisters in Christ. You can read some of the more recent stories from other students in your class below.

Leading Home Groups

Leading Home Groups - David Smith - England

Leading Home Groups My name is David Smith and I live in the South of England near Portsmouth, UK. I'm married 2 years to my beautiful wife Kathy and I work as an IT Systems Administrator. I gave my life to Christ as a young lad at the age…
Woman Ordained for Ministry

A Woman Ordained for Ministry

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A Woman Ordained for Ministry My name is Robin Hood, and I live in the United States of America. In the United States, often, ministry is not done anywhere, in schools, some buildings, and offices, God isn’t allowed. There is a lot of debate,…
Pentecostal Minister Training

Pentecostal Minister Training - Full-Time Truck Driver

Pentecostal Minister Training Greetings! My name is Lolard Alan Simmons III. I am an America Pentecostal minister in the Greater Houston Texas area. A major challenge to doing ministry in the fourth largest city in America is an overpopulation…
Pastor Ministry Dream

Pastor Ministry Dream - Michael Warren

Pastor Ministry Dream My name is Michael Warren, I was raised in Orlando, Florida, and have never been outside the U.S. I remember clearly a story my pastor once told me about his preconversion days as a high school teacher. He had a foreign…
Affordable Bible School Training

Affordable Bible School Training - Pastoral/Evangelism.

Affordable Bible School Training When leaders are  called into ministry, they often do not pursue it because they cannot find an Affordable Bible School Training option. Christian Leaders Insitute has been supplying this option for over a…

A True Story of Ruin to Heartfelt Riches

Patrick D. Garlock - United States of America My name is Patrick Garlock. I was born in southern California, USA, the youngest of an integrated family of 10 boys. I remained in SoCal until my mother passed away from cancer when I was 11. I…
Local Officiant Ordination

Local Officiant Ordination - Erik Leopard

Local Officiant Ordination Christian Leaders Institute offers Local Officiant Ordination training so you can do weddings. Erik Leopard tells his story. I was born and raised in Richardson Texas, a suburb of Dallas. I served in the United…
Local Ministry Leaders

Local Ministry Leaders - Taylor Browning CLI Profile

Local Ministry Leaders Local ministry leaders are being raised up everywhere. Meet Taylor Browning: 22 years old, oldest of four, homeschool graduate, daughter of children’s ministers and resident of Chicagoland, U.S.A. I accepted Christ…

Glory Be to God!

Tina Marie Burris United States Hello everyone! I lead a simple life with my husband, Jeff, and our many animals. My life was once not so simple and full of the constant battling of demons! Those demons were smoking cigarettes, drinking,…
study the Bible

Study the Bible - CLI Allows You to Learn for Free!

Study the Bible My name is Saris Hovaguimian. I was born in 1962 in Aleppo, Syria. I lived in Lebanon until the age of 14, and I have been a resident of California since 1978. I was brought up in a religious family, attending the Armenia…
Affording Ministry Training

Affording Ministry Training

Affording Ministry Training Affording ministry training has never been so challenging. CLI has solved this problem by making ministry training free! My name is David, and I was born in the USA in 1993. I have three amazing kids, one of which…

God's Gift of Grace

My name is Ann Trojan, and I live in New York State, USA. Because of our Veterans who have fought, and continue to fight, we are free to minister in our country. I was raised Catholic and discontinued attending church many years ago. My husband…