Congratulations, you submitted your story
Your story will serve as motivation and encouragement to your brothers and sisters in Christ. You can read some of the more recent stories from other students in your class below.

Ministry Calling Journey
Ministry SchoolMinistry Calling Journey
Hello, my name is Guy Wolff and I am on a ministry calling journey. I am from a small town in Pennsylvania. We have many churches in my area which is wonderful that God has such a strong following. I'm in a small business…

Church Planter Pastor
Ministry SchoolChurch Planter Pastor
Blessings to all, my name is Mayra Lizarraga, and I feel called to be a church planter pastor. I am married to a wonderful man and provider, Rene Castellanos. Together we are the parents of two beautiful blessings, Chloe…

Ordained Church Pastor
Ministry SchoolOrdained Church Pastor
My name is Marie and I hear God's call to be an ordained church pastor. Born in the United States to a couple from a rural farming community in Georgia, my parents were praising God when I was born. You see, my mother…

Ministry Vision
Ministry SchoolMinistry Vision
My name is Joseph DeClemente and I have a ministry vision for my life. I live on Long Island, New York. Ministry here is very different than other parts of the United States. What is successful in the southern parts or western…

Music Minister
Ministry SchoolMusic Minister
My name is Brian Harkrider and I am called to be a music minister and possibly a pastor. I am 49 years old and I live in the United States of America. Living in a major metropolitan area, the hustle and bustle of the hurry-up…

Small Group Missionary
Ministry SchoolSmall Group Missionary
I am currently living in the United States, but I lived for two years in Japan. I was teaching the Bible, teaching English, and working in the office of the mission organization with which I was in Japan. My desire right…

Michael Greene
Bible School InterestMichael is a 2009 graduate of Middle Tennessee State University with a Bachelor of Science with an emphasis in Finance. Michael continued his education at Charleston Southern University obtaining an MBA in 2012. Charleston Southern University…

Evangelist Ministry Dream
Ministry SchoolEvangelist Ministry Dream
My name is Duy Dao and I have an evangelist ministry dream. I am a Vietnamese-American, born in Vietnam, raised in the United States. My parents immigrated to the United States under the refugee act. I currently work…

Sports Ministry
Ministry SchoolSports Ministry
I am Daniel Smith from Haiti. I grew up in a Christian family of seven; two brothers, two sisters, Mom, and Dad. Praise God, we are all alive but my parents lost their first three children. I am very thankful to God for the…

Outreach Ministry
Ministry SchoolOutreach Ministry
My name is Naw E. Htoo (Junna). I currently live in Michigan, USA. I grew up in a Christian family. My parents are Christians and I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior when I was 15-years-old. But, I came to really know the…