Congratulations, you submitted your story
Your story will serve as motivation and encouragement to your brothers and sisters in Christ. You can read some of the more recent stories from other students in your class below.

Marriage Ministry
Ministry SchoolMarriage Ministry
My name is Steve W. Dames Jr and I have a call to marriage ministry. In fact, my wife Anita and I, under the direct leading of the Holy Spirit, co-founded Wed2Marriage International Online Couples Club in August 2016. We are…

Ministry Training Dream
Ministry SchoolMinistry Training Dream
Greetings from Baltimore “Charm City", Maryland! My name is Lesley Thompson. I have a Bachelor’s degree in Paralegal Studies with a minor in Behavioral Studies from University of Maryland University College and I…

Small Group Leader Ordination
Ministry SchoolSmall Group Leader Ordination
My name is Nancy Connell and I am excited to receive small group leader ordination at CLI. I live in Aliquippa, PA. I grew up in a Christian home and attended church regularly. When I started college, I stopped…

Female Youth Pastor
America (United States), Ministry SchoolFemale Youth Pastor
My name is Sarah Carpenter and I am called to be a female youth pastor. I am 36 years old and I live in the United States with my family.
I came to know the Lord when I was a young girl. My family was always active in…

Tanzanian Youth Leader
America (United States), Ministry School, Tanzania, United Republic OfTanzanian Youth Leader
Read here the testimony of Ben G. M., a Tanzanian youth leader currently working and living in the U.S.A.:
My name is Ben. G. M. I live in the United States of America, although I’m originally from Tanzania, an East…

Liberian Pastor
Liberia, Ministry SchoolLiberian Pastor
Read here the testimony of David Ted Williams, a Liberian pastor whose faith came alive in the midst of his nation's civil war:
Before the Liberian civil war, I had just graduated and worked for a rubber company as an electrician.…

Counseling Evangelist
America (United States), Ministry SchoolCounseling Evangelist
Read here the story of Elizabeth Sands, who aspires to be a counseling evangelist, bringing comfort and guidance to those who need it:
My name is Elizabeth Sands and I live in the United States of America. I am thankful…

Abuse Minister
America (United States), Ministry SchoolAbuse Minister
Read the story of an aspiring abuse minister who heard God's call out of his own abuse to bring the love of Jesus to other victims:
I was born on Dec. 30, 1984, in Topeka KS, U.S.A. My relationship with Jesus Christ grew…

Evangelist Minister Training
America (United States), Canada, Ministry SchoolEvangelist Minister Training
I am Tonia Martin and I am receiving my evangelist minister training. I am a 39-year-old single mom and a Licensed Practical Nurse. I live in Connecticut and have two children and one grandson, which I love…

Local Church Pastor
America (United States), Ministry SchoolLocal Church Pastor
My name is Jim Jablonski. I have been blessed just about all of my life with opportunities to serve in church ministries in the United States, but it was only recently that I answered God’s call to do ministry. Thanks…

Pastoral Calling
Ministry SchoolPastoral Calling
My name is Alejandro Salvi and I have a pastoral calling for my life. I reside in Parkland, Florida in the United States of America. I was born in Miami, Florida and have lived in Florida most of my life. I first attended a…