Congratulations, you submitted your story
Your story will serve as motivation and encouragement to your brothers and sisters in Christ. You can read some of the more recent stories from other students in your class below.

Family Ministry Journey
Ministry SchoolFamily Ministry Journey
My name is Craig Zahniser and I am on a family ministry journey. My ministry is to share my belief in Christ Jesus with my family as it was shared with me. I came to know the Lord through the faith and example of my…

Small Group Leader Call
Ministry SchoolSmall Group Leader Call
My name is Shelly Primus and I have a small group leader call. I live in the United States. I am the youngest of three children. My father (who went home to be with the Lord on October 3, 2017) and my mother both grew…

Ministry Calling Courage
Ministry SchoolMinistry Calling Courage
My name is Elizabeth Cook and I have ministry calling courage in the Lord. I live in the beautiful state of Michigan in the United States of America. My father was the pastor of our church and I grew up sitting at the…

Missions Training Call
Ministry SchoolMissions Training Call
Hi, my name is Luke Standridge. God has been knocking on my heart, calling me to missions for as long as I can remember. Because of the fear I had of missions, I totally swept this missions training call under the rug.…

Pastor Calling Journey
Ministry SchoolPastor Calling Journey
Hello, my name is Windy Ann Trammell and I am on a pastor calling journey. I live in Joanna, South Carolina in the United States of America. I came to know the Lord as my Savior, on my bedroom floor, crying for the…

Christian Leaders Training
Ministry SchoolChristian Leaders Training
Hello, my name is Derek Karl and I am receiving Christian leaders training at CLI. I am blessed to live in north Texas, in the United States. I work as a Parts Manager for a local boat dealership. Through the faithfulness…

Educational Ministry Journey
Ministry SchoolEducational Ministry Journey
My name is David West and I am on an educational ministry journey at Christian Leaders Institute. I am a single, divorced father currently working in the hospitality industry. Though I have four children, only my…

Ministry Education Dream
Ministry SchoolMinistry Education Dream
My name is Linette Mitchell and I have a ministry education dream. I live on the East Coast of the United States of America. I came to know that Jesus was truly Lord and Savior a few weeks after my father passed away…

Chaplain Minister Journey
Ministry SchoolChaplain Minister Journey
My name is Robert Martin and I am on a chaplain minister journey which has led me to Christian Leaders Institute. I came to know and accept the Lord Jesus Christ in 1982. I learned all I could about Jesus by reading…

Leader Ministry Training
Ministry SchoolLeader Ministry Training
Hi, my name is Alice Cullen and I am receiving leader ministry training at Christian Leaders Institute. I am from Tampa, Florida in the USA. I was saved at a park with a church ministering in the neighborhoods, where…