Congratulations, you submitted your story
Your story will serve as motivation and encouragement to your brothers and sisters in Christ. You can read some of the more recent stories from other students in your class below.

Minister Education
Ministry SchoolMinister Education
I live in the United States of America and I am receiving minister education at Christian Leaders Institute. I got saved when I was a little boy, I asked Christ into my heart at a young age. But I was immature. I watched…

Ministry to Children
Ministry SchoolMinistry to Children
Sonja Eckert -- United States
Nestled in Millersville, Pennsylvania, where you learn to appreciate the strong, pungent countryside smells. I admit I have never left the United States. I have never flown. The little bit…

E-Professor - Mark VM
Bible School InterestDr. Mark Vander Meer has been a pastor for over 20 years, served in two churches and has been a professor for over 10 years. Dr. Vander Meer has been at New Community Church for the past 19 years and is the founder and Executive Director of…

Ministry Call Preparation
Ministry SchoolMinistry Call Preparation
My name is Crystal Cureton and I am receiving ministry call preparation at Christian Leaders Institue. I currently reside in the state of Virginia in the USA. My walk with God began at an early age. I was living with…

Free Philosophy Study Course
Bible School InterestStart Free Philosophy Study Course Today!
This Free Philosophy Study Course follows a Christian world and life view. CLI started as a school for those pursuing ministry. Now CLI has expanded to offer other programs like Philosophy.

Bible Education
Ministry SchoolBible Education
My name is Ainsley Kyle Kistan and I am receiving a Bible education at CLI. I was born in Durban, South Africa and raised in South Africa. I was born to two loving parents who raised me from a young age in the ways of the Lord.…

Evangelism Ministry Calling
Ministry SchoolEvangelism Ministry
Hello, brothers & sisters in Christ! My name is Cathy Walter, and I am called to evangelism ministry. I was born in 1968 and I live in Indiana which is a Mid-Western state in the U.S.A. I have 2 grown daughters, ages…

Living for Christ
Ministry SchoolBlessings to you all!
My name is Bridgette Robinson, and I live in the united states. We are free to choose our religion here, and most people in my area say they believe in Christ. I Raised in a Baptist church where my great-grandmother was…

Prison Ministry Calling
Ministry SchoolPrison Ministry Calling
My name is Erik Van Cise and I have a prison ministry calling. I live in central Florida. I moved here at a young age from Ohio. Central Florida is a great area to grow in the spirit and help others. I have recently…