Congratulations, you submitted your story
Your story will serve as motivation and encouragement to your brothers and sisters in Christ. You can read some of the more recent stories from other students in your class below.

Preacher Ministry Training
ZimbabwePreacher Ministry Training
I am Michael Gwandure and I am receiving free preacher ministry training at Christian Leaders Institute. I was born in Zimbabwe in the early 80s to a Christian family. I grew up accustomed to Christianity in the…

Servant Minister
Ministry SchoolServant Minister
Hello, my name is Dora Holmes and I am called to be a servant minister. I live in the mountain community of Lake Arrowhead, CA, USA. I am married and have four children. The area I live in is beautiful. There are numerous churches…

Ordained Minister Training
Ministry SchoolOrdained Minister Training
My name is Corey Robert and I am receiving ordained minister training at Christian Leaders Institute. I live in the United States of America. I grew up in a Christian household and independently dedicated my life…

Bible Education Opportunity
Ministry SchoolBible Education Opportunity
My name is Jennie Ball and I am following a Bible education opportunity at CLI. I live in the USA. My story is nothing radical or earth-shaking, it is just simply from my heart. I was born an identical twin and…

Ministry Testimony
Ministry SchoolMinistry Testimony
Hey! I’m Justin and this is my ministry testimony. A quick overview of my walk with God. When I was younger, I didn’t come from the wealthiest family. So my grandmother would "kidnap" me on the weekends, pretty much my…

Ministering Journey
Ministry SchoolMinistering Journey
I’m Jeremia J. Pyuza and I am on a ministering journey. I was born in Marera village in Tanzania, East Africa. I was born into a Christian family which raised me up in a Christian perspective. I’m the firstborn among…

Service Ministry
Ministry SchoolService Ministry
My name is Melissa Trumbull and I love service ministry. I currently live in Central Texas. I have six children and one grandson. I was raised as a Baptist. As I grew older, I found that my true foundation is the Word of God.…

Ministry Education Opportunity
Ministry SchoolMinistry Education Opportunity
My name is Louis H. Neal III and I have this ministry education opportunity at CLI. I am from the United States of America. I started my relationship with God when I was younger. My parents had me go to church…

Christian Ambassador
Ministry SchoolChristian Ambassador
Shalom to all! My name is Gigi Bloodsaw, Christian ambassador. I am from the United States. I am the founder of a ministry, N-Time Deborah's Network, in October 2016. I am married, a mother of three, two boys and a daughter,…

Ministry Excitement
Ministry SchoolMinistry Excitement
I'm James Schofield. I live in the United States and I am filled with ministry excitement. I'm a former atheist, who was saved by Jesus Christ through the witness of my daughter, who is a believer, and through a visit to…

Christian Leader Education
Ministry SchoolChristian Leader Education
My name is Joselyn Blume and I am receiving Christian leader education at Christian Leaders Institute. I live in Spokane, Washington. I am 52 years old. I grew up in a Christian household. My mom was a missionary's…