Congratulations, you submitted your story
Your story will serve as motivation and encouragement to your brothers and sisters in Christ. You can read some of the more recent stories from other students in your class below.

Couples Ministry Dream
America (United States)Couples Ministry Dream
My name is Courtney Rivera. My husband and I have a couples ministry dream to serve where God leads us. I am 22 years old. I grew up in Los Angeles County, California, and recently relocated to Klamath Falls, Oregon,…

Veteran Ministry Dream
America (United States)Veteran Ministry Dream
I am Ed Becher. I am a retired United States Marine who has seen the loss of way too many of my friends and colleagues to suicide. It is reported that twenty-two veterans commit suicide each day. Many of these veterans…

Filipino Ministry Training
PhilippinesFilipino Ministry Training
My name is Jonalynne Cruzin from the Philippines. I am a wife and a mother of two sons and two daughters. I am receiving free Filipino Ministry Training at Christian Leaders Institute.
My father was an Overseas…

Kenyan Small Group Minister
KenyaKenyan Small Group Minister
My name is Isaiah Githinji and I feel called to be a Kenyan small group minister. I am a Kenyan citizen and a born again and committed Christian. I am married and together we have a 2-year-old daughter. I grew up…

Youth Minister Education
Youth LeadersYouth Minister Education
My name is Loretta Evans. I am receiving a free Youth Minister education at Christain Leaders Insitute. I live in Saint Petersburg, Florida, in the United States of America. I was born to Bennie and Lois Peterson.…

The Lord Is My Shepherd
Ministry SchoolSolid Ministry Training
My name is Kyle Taylor, and I am a Christian, husband, and local church worship leader. We have lived in Monroe, Michigan since 2016 and love enjoying the community, music, volunteering, and supporting local businesses.…

Life Changing Ministry Education
Ministry SchoolLife Changing Ministry Education
I am thankful to be involved with Christian Leaders Insitute and their life changing ministry education. For years growing up, I seemed to sense that something was different about me. Not until many years into…

Christian Education Journey
Free Online bible ClassesChristian Education Journey
My name is Jamie Abiodun and I am on a Christian education journey at Christian Leaders Insitute. I live in Houston, Texas in the United States of America. I grew up in Libby, Montana. I have been married for twelve…

Bible Education Dream
ZimbabweBible Education Dream
My name is Tanaka Mudzimu and I have a Bible education dream. I am Zimbabwean. I'm currently in Northern Cyprus studying Social Work. Being away from home for almost 4 years has not been easy, but God has been teaching…

Quality Ministry Education
Ministry SchoolQuality Ministry Education
My name is Roger Sigmon and I am receiving a quality ministry education at Christian Leaders Institute. I live in the beautiful state of Tennessee in the United States. I grew up in a home where my parents took me…

Degree Program Journey
Bible College OnlineDegree Program Journey
My name is Kenny Sallee and I am on a degree program journey at Christian Leaders Institute. I'm known in the area where I live as Cap'n Kenny. My ancestral families are Native American (Cherokee) and European Immigrants…