Congratulations, you submitted your story
Your story will serve as motivation and encouragement to your brothers and sisters in Christ. You can read some of the more recent stories from other students in your class below.

Free College Courses
Free College CoursesFree College Courses
My name is John Marlar and I am excited to receive free college courses in ministry training at Christian Leaders Institute. I am married to my beautiful wife Renee. I am 57 years old, soon to be 58. I am a follower of…

Educational Journey
Debt Free College DegreesEducational Journey
My name is Amanda Stuckey and I am on an educational journey at Christian Leaders Institute. I am from Carterville, Missouri in the United States of America. I feel that being a Christian Leader where I live is a great thing…

Worship Leader
Ministry SchoolWorship Leader
My name is Renee Hopper and I am studying to become an ordained worship leader. I currently live in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, and am part of the Mustang, Oklahoma community. I am the worship leader at Freedom Fellowship Church…

Free Formal Christian Education
Free College CoursesFree Formal Christian Education
My name is Veronica Cordoba and I am receiving free formal Christian education at Christian Leaders Institute. I am originally from Buenos Aires, Argentina. I have been living in the United States since 2001.…

Youth Leader Calling
Youth LeadersYouth Leader Calling
My name is Marc Russell and I have a youth leader calling from God. I come from Pontiac, Michigan and partly Flint, Michigan. Both cities are poverty-stricken and full of everyday obstacles like drugs, crime, gangs, and…

Chaplaincy Call
Chaplain MinistryChaplaincy Call
My name is Juli Baumler and I have a chaplaincy call on my life. I am from Eugene, Oregon, USA. I had a happy childhood with two loving parents. Over my childhood, we moved from the East Coast of the USA to the Midwest (where…

Revival Leader Call
ArgentinaRevival Leader Call
I am Alejandro Baus and I am living in Argentina. I have a revival leader call on my life. There have been a lot of changes since I started to study here at Christian Leaders Institute. The good changes have been:

Mission Ministry
Mission MinistryMission Ministry
My name is Sheadon Ringor and I am called to mission ministry. I was raised in a strong Christian household. From as long as I can remember, attending church every Sunday with the family was mandatory, along with VBS and any…

Free Ministry Training College
Free College CoursesFree Ministry Training College
My name is Charles D. Butler and I am attending Christian Leaders Institute a free ministry training college online. I was born in Dallas, Texas, and then we moved to Pontiac, Michigan when I was the age of 7.…

Ministry Spiritual Journey
CanadaMinistry Spiritual Journey
My name is Deanna Sellars, and I am on a ministry spiritual journey. My nickname is 'Fancy' and I am happily married to Jared Sellars. We live in a small retirement community called Leader in Saskatchewan, Canada.…

Evangelist Chaplaincy Call
Chaplain MinistryEvangelist Chaplaincy Call
This is my evangelist chaplaincy call journey. I was born in 1968 and raised in Arizona, United States of America. I guess I can go back to the first time I felt the Holy Spirit touch me. I was about 10 years old…