Congratulations, you submitted your story
Your story will serve as motivation and encouragement to your brothers and sisters in Christ. You can read some of the more recent stories from other students in your class below.

Faithful God
Africa, Free Online bible ClassesFaithful God
My name is Lancelot Okocha and I serve a faithful God. I was born on the 2nd of October 1980 in Nigeria, Lagos Island. I am the ninth child of my parents. I attended Satellite Town Primary School and Navy Town Secondary School.…

Christ Ambassador
Bible Study, hermeneutics and ecclesiologyChrist Ambassador
My name is Jaime Denton and I am a Christ ambassador. I’ve come to realize how being a follower of God innately means to be a leader among people. I grew up in a Navy family, moving every year or two and traveling often.…

New Life Ministry Call
America (United States), Church PlantingNew Life Ministry Call
"Howdy, Y'all!" My name is Champ Claussen and I have a new life ministry call on my life from God. I live in the United States of America. God is great. God is greater than great. God is the greatest. I did not always…

Woman Disciple
America (United States), Women's MinistryWoman Disciple
My name is Loretta Williams. I live in the United States and it can be challenging to do ministry here. However, the challenges here have no comparison to those in other countries. People are seeking and searching for a Savior.…

Kenya Church Planter
Ministry SchoolKenya Church Planter
My name is Simon Ndungu and I am called to be a Kenya church planter. I am a Kenyan and living in Mombasa, Kenya. I am married to my God-given wife Margaret, and we are blessed with three children aged between 6-14-years.…

Empowering Women
Malawi, Women's Ministry"My dream is to start a mentorship tree for empowering women in Christ that will continue to grow yearly till we reach more women in Malawi and on the continent."
Empowering Women
My name is Milandu Mwale and I am empowering women in Christ…

Christian Counselor Dream
Free College Courses, Overcoming DisabilitiesThis inspiring testimony tells how Ashley intends to battle back against fibromyalgia and other obstacles to become a Christian Counselor and Leader:
Christian Counselor
My name is Ashley Drye, and I am called to be a Christian Counselor.…

Free Bible Courses
Free Online bible Classes, PhilippinesFree Bible Courses
My name is John Randale Rovero of Manila, Philippines and I am taking free Bible courses at CLI. I grew up in a Catholic family. I have one younger brother and we're currently living with our parents. I am presently working…

Gracefully Broken
America (United States), Free Online bible ClassesRead how Annabelle has been gracefully broken by betrayal, confusion, and ill-health into a Spirit-driven dream to become a Christian counselor, motivational speaker, outreach server, and author.
Gracefully Broken
Blessings, my name is Annabelle…

Saved to Serve
Ministry SchoolI'm Andrea Carlomusto, but many know me as "trainer Ande" here in the suburbs of Detroit, MI in the United States.
I did not really grow up with faith in Christ as any real type of focus. Sure, I knew His name...but that was about it. My…

Bull Riding Chaplain
Chaplain Ministry, Free Online bible ClassesProfessional bull rider Josiah Carpenter's dream is to minister on the rodeo circuit as a bull riding Chaplain.
Bull Riding Chaplain
Hello everyone! My name is Josiah Carpenter from New Ulm, Minnesota and I feel called to be a bull riding…